понедельник, 5 марта 2012 г.

Judge gives Kevorkian 10-25 yrs. for murder

PONTIAC, Mich. Jack Kevorkian was sentenced Tuesday to 10 to 25years in prison for murder.

Kevorkian, 70, a retired pathologist who claims to have helped130 people commit suicide, was convicted of second-degree murder inconnection with the September death of Thomas Youk, 52, an accountantwith amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease. In whathe later acknowledged was an attempt to goad prosecutors intocharging him to attract attention to the assisted suicide cause,Kevorkian videotaped himself injecting Youk with lethal drugs andgave the tape to the CBS television series "60 Minutes," whichbroadcast excerpts.

"You said you invited yourself here to …

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