пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Latham appeals to voters to look beyond simple slogans

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Latham appeals to voters to look beyond simple slogans

CANBERRA, Dec 5 AAP - New Opposition Leader Mark Latham has appealed to the voters
to look beyond simplistic descriptions when considering him as an alternative prime minister.

Mr Latham, accused by Health Minister Tony Abbott of abandoning his first wife, said
he had made mistakes in his life.

But he said there was much more to him than simple descriptions such as "bovver boy"

or "maverick backbencher" would make out.

"You move through different responsibilities, but essentially I'm like anyone else,
I'm complex, multi-dimensional, I don't live my life in a simplistic way," he told the
ABC's 7.30 Report.

Supporter of former opposition leader Kim Beazley, Stephen Smith, and Mr Latham's predecessor
Simon Crean, have been drafted back to the Labor frontbench.

Mr Latham accused the Howard government of living in the past by attacking previous
public statements he had made about the United States.

He said the next election would be fought over a government talking of the past and
a Labor Party committed to the future.

Mr Latham has also sought to mend fences with the US, holding a meeting with American
ambassador Tom Schieffer.

AAP sw/cbs/br


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