понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.


OUR RANKINGS of more than 1,000 funds begin with those that invest in stocks of U.S. companies. Stock funds are divided into six categories. AggGro (aggressive-growth) funds seek maximum capital gains, often in somewhat volatile small-company stocks. Growth (long-term-growth) funds also seek capital gains but tend to invest in stocks of larger, more stable companies. Gro-Inc (growth-and-income) funds concentrate on safety and dividend income. Balanced funds invest for income by holding bonds as well as stocks. Sector funds limit investments to one industry or economic sector.

Utility funds own primarily stocks of utilities and usually emphasize yield. To be included, a fund must have at least a one-year track record and usually at least $1.1 billion in assets. Smaller funds are included if they are among the best performers (see "And the Winners Are ..." on page 57). Some funds aren't available in all states.

Benchmarks. At the bottom of each page of stock rankings are benchmarks to help you assess a fund's performance. Standard & Poor's 500-stock index is the most widely used barometer of large-company stocks; total returns assume that dividends were reinvested. Average U.S. stock fund figures are the average total returns of all domestic stock funds except precious-metal funds. Other useful benchmarks for the one-, three- and five-year periods to June 12 are in the small table at left. Use the Dow Jones industrial average to compare with funds that hold primarily blue-chip stocks, the Russell 2000 for funds that hold small-company stocks and the Wilshire 5000 as a measure of the entire U.S. stock market. For a complete description of each column heading.


BE YOUR OWN financial analyst, with software that lets you rank and sort more than 12,500 funds. Steele Mutual Fund Expert/Kiplinger Special Edition is available at a savings of 30% off its regular price. Data will be to July 1, 2000.

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You'll also find yields, asset sizes, portfolio-turnover rates, standard deviations (volatility), percentages of assets invested in stocks, bonds or cash, plus data on more than 90 indexes, and even links to each fund company's Web site.

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While you can sort and select among 4,000 funds at our Web site (www.kiplinger.com), the software offers additional options and slightly later data.

                                   ANNUALIZED                                  TOTAL RETURN  INDEX                     1 YR.     3 YR.      5 YR.  Dow Jones Industrial       0.8%      14.3%      21.4% Russell 2000               9.0       11.8       15.3 Wilshire 5000              2.6       18.6       21.4 

U.S. Stock Funds

                                           ANNUALIZED                                          TOTAL RETURN                                     1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    AARP Capital Growth              28.7%    23.7%    25.6%    Growth & Income                 -1.3      9.6     16.5   Acorn Fund                       22.7     17.6     19.3   Aim Aggressive Growth A          69.6     26.8     23.0    Balanced A                      17.7     16.0     18.9    Blue Chip A                     23.5     24.5     25.8    Capital Development A           46.4     21.2     --    Charter A                       24.8     23.4     24.2    Constellation A                 49.9     25.5     22.8    Dent Demographic Trends A       60.7     --       --    Global Telecommunications A     64.8     35.7     25.8    Large Cap Growth A              69.4     --       --    Select Growth A                 48.3     31.0     27.2    Summit I                        40.5     32.8     29.1    Value A                         19.6     24.0     23.0    Weingarten A                    36.1     29.4     26.8   Alger Balanced A                 20.6     24.4     --    Capital Appreciation A          46.2     37.4     --    Growth A                        25.7     30.1     --   Alleghany Chicago Growth &       17.4     23.2     26.6     Income   Alleghany Montag & Caldwell       7.8     19.4     25.5     Gro N   Alliance Fund A                   9.3     14.1     18.0    Balanced A                       6.6     14.9     15.2    Growth & Income A                7.6     18.8     22.6    Growth A                        17.0     23.4     24.1    Premier Growth A                26.9     31.3     31.8    Quasar A                        10.7      5.7     17.0    Technology A                    80.4     48.8     35.7   American AMCAP                   22.2     25.5     23.5    Balanced                         0.3      9.8     13.5   S&P 500-Stock Index              11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund          22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                   CATEGORY      STYLE    AARP Capital Growth             Growth        LarGro    Growth & Income                Gro-Inc       LarVal   Acorn Fund                      AggGro        AllCap   Aim Aggressive Growth A         AggGro        SmlGro    Balanced A                     Balanced      Flex    Blue Chip A                    Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Capital Development A          AggGro        SmlGro    Charter A                      Gro-Inc       LarGro    Constellation A                AggGro        MidGro    Dent Demographic Trends A      Growth        LarGro    Global Telecommunications A    Sector        Sector    Large Cap Growth A             Growth        LarGro    Select Growth A                AggGro        LarGro    Summit I                       AggGro        MidGro    Value A                        Growth        LarGro    Weingarten A                   Growth        LarGro   Alger Balanced A                Balanced      Flex    Capital Appreciation A         AggGro        AllCap    Growth A                       Growth        LarGro   Alleghany Chicago Growth &      Gro-Inc       LarGro     Income   Alleghany Montag & Caldwell     Growth        LarGro     Gro N   Alliance Fund A                 AggGro        MidBlnd    Balanced A                     Balanced      Flex    Growth & Income A              Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth A                       Growth        LarGro    Premier Growth A               Growth        LarGro    Quasar A                       AggGro        SmlGro    Technology A                   Sector        Sector   American AMCAP                  Growth        AllCap    Balanced                       Balanced      Flex   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    AARP Capital Growth               3     7     3     2     6    Growth & Income                  8     9     4     3     4   Acorn Fund                        7     6     4     5     6   Aim Aggressive Growth A           2     6     7     9     2    Balanced A                       2     7     1     6     1    Blue Chip A                      1     3     1     3     3    Capital Development A            4     8     3    --    --    Charter A                        1     1     7     6     4    Constellation A                  4     4     8     7     6    Dent Demographic Trends A        1    --    --    --    --    Global Telecommunications A      3     3     4    10     5    Large Cap Growth A               1    --    --    --    --    Select Growth A                  4     3     6     4     7    Summit I                         5     2     3     4     6    Value A                          5     1     6     4    10    Weingarten A                     2     2     4     7     6   Alger Balanced A                  1     1     1    --    --    Capital Appreciation A           4     2     3    --    --    Growth A                         3     1     2    --    --   Alleghany Chicago Growth &        2     1     4     3     1     Income   Alleghany Montag & Caldwell       8     3     2     1     1     Gro N   Alliance Fund A                   9     5     4     2     8    Balanced A                       6     3     1     7     8    Growth & Income A                6     2     3     4     2    Growth A                         5     3     2     4     7    Premier Growth A                 3     1     1     2     2    Quasar A                         8     9     6     6     1    Technology A                     2     2     4     8     5   American AMCAP                    4     2     3     6     9    Balanced                         8     2     7     4     4   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    AARP Capital Growth               3     5     2     1     5    Growth & Income                  9     7     4     2     5   Acorn Fund                        4     7     4     8     3   Aim Aggressive Growth A           1     8     8    10     1    Balanced A                       5     7     5     6     4    Blue Chip A                      4     3     2     2     5    Capital Development A            2     9     3    --    --    Charter A                        4     2     6     4     5    Constellation A                  2     5     8     9     3    Dent Demographic Trends A        2    --    --    --    --    Global Telecommunications A      1     3     4    10     5    Large Cap Growth A               1    --    --    --    --    Select Growth A                  2     2     6     7     4    Summit I                         2     1     4     7     3    Value A                          4     2     4     4     9    Weingarten A                     3     2     3     6     5   Alger Balanced A                  4     2     5    --    --    Capital Appreciation A           2     1     3    --    --    Growth A                         4     1     1    --    --   Alleghany Chicago Growth &        5     2     4     2     2     Income   Alleghany Montag & Caldwell       7     3     2     1     2     Gro N   Alliance Fund A                   7     7     4     5     6    Balanced A                       7     5     4     7    10    Growth & Income A                7     3     3     3     4    Growth A                         5     3     1     3     6    Premier Growth A                 3     2     1     1     3    Quasar A                         6    10     6     9     1    Technology A                     1     1     5     8     5   American AMCAP                    4     2     2     5     8    Balanced                         9     5     8     5     9   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     2000         VOLA-                                    DOWN        TILITY       MGR.                                     MKT.     RANK([double   SINCE                                                dagger])    AARP Capital Growth               -4.5%         6          '94    Growth & Income                   1.4          3          '91   Acorn Fund                       -10.8          6          '70   Aim Aggressive Growth A          -29.4         10          '92    Balanced A                      -15.8          2          '93    Blue Chip A                      -7.8          5          '96    Capital Development A           -23.9          9          '96    Charter A                       -13.3          6          '91    Constellation A                 -22.9          8          '93    Dent Demographic Trends A       -23.6          9          '99    Global Telecommunications A     -42.3         10          '99    Large Cap Growth A              -20.8          9          '99    Select Growth A                 -22.1          8          '94    Summit I                        -24.7          8          '82    Value A                         -13.2          6          '92    Weingarten A                    -23.4          7          '87   Alger Balanced A                  -6.7          3          '97    Capital Appreciation A          -33.6          9          '97    Growth A                        -12.2          7          '97   Alleghany Chicago Growth &         3.8          6          '99     Income   Alleghany Montag & Caldwell        4.2          6          '94     Gro N   Alliance Fund A                  -11.4          9          '97    Balanced A                        7.2          2          '97    Growth & Income A                13.8          6          '94    Growth A                        -10.2          7          '90    Premier Growth A                 -5.8          8          '92    Quasar A                        -22.0          8          '00    Technology A                    -27.1          9          '92   American AMCAP                    -2.3          3          '67    Balanced                          9.4          1          '75   S&P 500-Stock Index               -1.4%         5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0          6                                    MIN.      MAX.       EXPENSE                                   INVEST    LOAD       RATIO    AARP Capital Growth             $2,000    none       0.91%    Growth & Income                   500    none       0.76   Acorn Fund                       1,000    none       0.85   Aim Aggressive Growth A            500    5.50%      1.09(*)    Balanced A                        500    4.75       0.94(*)    Blue Chip A                       500    5.50       1.19(*)    Capital Development A             500    5.50       1.38(*)    Charter A                         500    5.50       1.05(*)    Constellation A                   500    5.50       1.10(*)    Dent Demographic Trends A         500    5.50       1.60(*)    Global Telecommunications A       500    4.75       1.77(*)    Large Cap Growth A                500    5.50       1.54(*)    Select Growth A                   500    5.50       1.09(*)    Summit I                           50    8.50       0.67    Value A                           500    5.50       1.00(*)    Weingarten A                      500    5.50       1.03(*)   Alger Balanced A                     1    4.75       1.40    Capital Appreciation A              1    4.75       1.38    Growth A                            1    4.75       1.21   Alleghany Chicago Growth &       2,500    none       1.06(*)     Income   Alleghany Montag & Caldwell      2,500    none       1.05(*)     Gro N   Alliance Fund A                    250    4.25       1.06(*)    Balanced A                        250    4.25       1.22(*)    Growth & Income A                 250    4.25       0.93(*)    Growth A                          250    4.25       1.18(*)    Premier Growth A                  250    4.25       1.50(*)    Quasar A                          250    4.25       1.69(*)    Technology A                      250    4.25       1.68(*)   American AMCAP                     250    5.75       0.67(*)    Balanced                          250    5.75       0.66(*)   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) Ranked 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(*) May include a 12b-1 fee.

                                           ANNUALIZED                                          TOTAL RETURN                                     1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    American Capital Income          -3.2%     7.9%    13.0%     Builder    Fundamental Investors           17.0     20.3     22.6    Growth Fund of America          49.1     36.4     29.0    Income Fund of America          -1.6      7.9     12.4    Investment Co. of America       12.0     19.1     21.9    Mutual                          -5.8      9.8     14.8    New Economy                     33.1     29.9     25.9    Washington Mutual Investors     -4.1     12.9     19.3   American Century Equity          15.4     20.9     24.4     Growth    Giftrust(#)                    100.0     24.9     17.3    Growth                          34.6     29.9     25.0    Heritage                        55.6     21.7     21.3    Income & Growth                 10.0     19.8     23.7    New Opportunities(**)          158.4     53.0     --    Select Inv                      15.9     23.5     23.7    Ultra                           25.8     26.2     25.7    Value                          -11.1      6.2     13.2    Vista                          110.6     26.8     20.0   American Express Blue Chip       10.7     16.6     22.0     Advntge A    Diversified Eqty Inc A          -3.1      9.2     14.2    Equity Select A                 25.6     22.1     24.2    Equity Value A                  -1.2      9.0     15.2    Growth A                        33.5     25.8     27.9    Mutual A                         0.5      8.4     11.8    New Dimensions A                25.9     24.3     25.9   S&P 500-Stock Index              11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund          22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                   CATEGORY      STYLE    American Capital Income         Gro-Inc       LarGro     Builder    Fundamental Investors          Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth Fund of America         Growth        LarGro    Income Fund of America         Gro-Inc       Flex    Investment Co. of America      Gro-Inc       LarVal    Mutual                         Gro-Inc       LarVal    New Economy                    Growth        LarGro    Washington Mutual Investors    Gro-Inc       LarVal   American Century Equity         Growth        LarBlnd     Growth    Giftrust(#)                    AggGro        SmlGro    Growth                         Growth        LarGro    Heritage                       Growth        SmlGro    Income & Growth                Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    New Opportunities(**)          AggGro        SmlGro    Select Inv                     Growth        LarGro    Ultra                          AggGro        LarGro    Value                          Gro-Inc       MidVal    Vista                          AggGro        SmlGro   American Express Blue Chip      Gro-Inc       LarGro     Advntge A    Diversified Eqty Inc A         Gro-Inc       LarVal    Equity Select A                Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Equity Value A                 Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth A                       Growth        LarGro    Mutual A                       Balanced      Flex    New Dimensions A               Growth        LarGro   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    American Capital Income           9     7     8     6     9     Builder    Fundamental Investors            2     2     5     4     5    Growth Fund of America           1     1     6     7    10    Income Fund of America           8     8     8     8     9    Investment Co. of America        3     2     4     4     6    Mutual                           9     4     6     7     7    New Economy                      2     1     2     9     7    Washington Mutual Investors      9     4     2     2     1   American Century Equity           6     7     1     1     5     Growth    Giftrust(#)                      1     8    10    10     4    Growth                           2     2     2     7    10    Heritage                         1     9    10     8     8    Income & Growth                  5     4     1     2     2    New Opportunities(**)            1     3     8    --    --    Select Inv                       6     2     3     2    10    Ultra                            7     3     3     4     5    Value                           10     7     6     6     5    Vista                            1     8    10    10     4   American Express Blue Chip        4     3     7     4     1     Advntge A    Diversified Eqty Inc A           9     5     8     7     8    Equity Select A                  1     4     5     5     3    Equity Value A                   8     6     8     4     6    Growth A                         2     3     7     6     1    Mutual A                         8     6     6     5     8    New Dimensions A                 3     3     6     5     2   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    American Capital Income           9     7     7     4     9     Builder    Fundamental Investors            5     3     5     3     6    Growth Fund of America           2     1     4     6     9    Income Fund of America           9     7     7     5     9    Investment Co. of America        6     3     4     2     6    Mutual                          10     4     5     5     7    New Economy                      3     2     2     7     6    Washington Mutual Investors      9     4     2     2     4   American Century Equity           5     5     1     1     5     Growth    Giftrust(#)                      1    10    10    10     2    Growth                           3     2     2     5    10    Heritage                         2     8     9     6     7    Income & Growth                  6     4     1     2     4    New Opportunities(**)            1     3     8    --    --    Select Inv                       5     2     2     2     8    Ultra                            4     2     3     7     2    Value                           10     6     6     4     6    Vista                            1     9    10    10     2   American Express Blue Chip        6     3     6     3     3     Advntge A    Diversified Eqty Inc A           9     5     7     4     8    Equity Select A                  4     4     5     3     4    Equity Value A                   9     6     7     3     7    Growth A                         3     2     5     5     2    Mutual A                         9     6     8     6    10    New Dimensions A                 4     3     4     4     3   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     2000         VOLA-                                    DOWN        TILITY       MGR.                                     MKT.     RANK([double   SINCE                                                dagger])    American Capital Income            5.0%         1          '87     Builder    Fundamental Investors             1.4          3          '84    Growth Fund of America          -11.0          6          '73    Income Fund of America            5.5          1          '73    Investment Co. of America         2.3          3          '58    Mutual                           12.5          2          '60    New Economy                     -16.9          6          '83    Washington Mutual Investors      13.9          4          '78   American Century Equity           -3.4          5          '91     Growth    Giftrust(#)                     -42.9         10          '83    Growth                          -13.9          6          '98    Heritage                        -20.3          9          '98    Income & Growth                  -0.6          5          '90    New Opportunities(**)           -42.8         10          '96    Select Inv                       -4.6          5          '98    Ultra                           -14.3          8          '98    Value                            14.3          6          '96    Vista                           -33.8         10          '98   American Express Blue Chip        -3.3          5          '99     Advntge A    Diversified Eqty Inc A            7.9          3          '97    Equity Select A                 -26.5          8          '00    Equity Value A                    5.2          3          '95    Growth A                        -15.3          8          '92    Mutual A                          3.1          1          '97    New Dimensions A                 -8.4          5          '91   S&P 500-Stock Index                1.4%         5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0          6                                          MIN.     MAX.       EXPENSE                                         INVEST   LOAD       RATIO    American Capital Income                $ 250   5.75%      0.64%     Builder    Fundamental Investors                   250   5.75       0.63(*)    Growth Fund of America                  250   5.75       0.70(*)    Income Fund of America                  250   5.75       0.59(*)    Investment Co. of America               250   5.75       0.55(*)    Mutual                                  250   5.75       0.57(*)    New Economy                             250   5.75       0.79(*)    Washington Mutual Investors             250   5.75       0.61(*)   American Century Equity                2,500   none       0.68     Growth    Giftrust(#)                             500   none       1.00    Growth                                2,500   none       1.00    Heritage                              2,500   none       1.00    Income & Growth                       2,500   none       0.68    New Opportunities(**)                    --   2.00(r)    1.50    Select Inv                            2,500   none       1.00    Ultra                                 2,500   none       1.00    Value                                 2,500   none       1.00    Vista                                 2,500   none       1.00   American Express Blue Chip             2,000   5.75       0.73     Advntge A    Diversified Eqty Inc A                2,000   5.75       0.89(*)    Equity Select A                       2,000   5.75       0.93(*)    Equity Value A                        2,000   5.75       0.87    Growth A                              2,000   5.75       0.89(*)    Mutual A                              2,000   5.75       0.83(*)    New Dimensions A                      2,000   5.75       0.86(*)   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) Ranked 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(#) Account must be in the form of a gift.

(**) Closed to new investors.

(r) Maximum redemption fee.

                                           ANNUALIZED                                          TOTAL RETURN                                     1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    American Express Stock A         11.2%    14.8%    18.0%    Strategy Agg A                  66.7     34.1     28.9    Utilities Income A               4.2     18.2     18.4   Amerindo Technology D            28.6     71.1     --   Ameritor Security Trust          32.0     30.0     19.6   Ark Balanced A                   23.5     20.9     18.6   Armada Equity Growth A           18.7     22.3     24.4   ASAF Janus Capital Growth A      26.0     --       -- > Baron Asset                      -1.8     13.0     18.5   Bear Stearns S&P Stars A         48.2     34.6     31.0   Berger Balanced                  31.2     --       --    Growth                          49.3     26.5     22.4    Growth & Income                 50.8     33.1     27.3    Small Cap Value Inv(**)          9.5     14.4     --    Small Company Growth           107.1     39.8     32.8   Berkshire Focus                 159.5     --       --   BlackRock Balanced A              6.1     13.5     16.4    Index Equity A                  11.0     19.9     22.5    Large Cap Growth A              30.4     28.6     27.9    Large Cap Value A               -8.7      7.7     15.4    Micro Cap A(**)                170.6     --       --    Select Equity A                  7.5     16.9     21.8    Small Cap Growth A(**)          73.9     30.9     29.1   Brandywine Fund                  61.5     21.4     22.5   Bridgeway Aggressive Growth     126.4     51.9     43.6    Social Responsibility           44.2     34.0     29.3   BT Inv Equity 500 Index          11.5     20.5     24.4   Calamos Growth & Income A        46.8     27.0     26.3    Growth A                       125.5     52.8     44.4   Chase Vista Growth &              3.5     13.1     17.1    Income A > Cohen & Steers Realty shares      1.5      2.5     10.9   Colonial Fund A                   9.2     12.2     15.7    US Growth & Income A             8.4     15.9     19.8   Columbia Growth                  24.0     25.7     25.7   Conseco Balanced A               40.7     22.0     --   Davis New York Venture A         17.0     19.9     24.2 > Delaware Balanced A             -10.6      6.1     10.9    Growth Opps A                   63.5     31.6     26.0    Income A                        -9.8      5.4     13.2    Select Growth A                 48.4     47.6     38.3    Trend A                         72.3     36.2     29.3   Dodge & Cox Balanced              4.8     10.9     14.0    Stock                            5.2     13.6     18.7   Domini Social Equity             12.1     22.1     25.2 > Dresdner RCM Biotechnology N    238.0     --       --    Global Tech N                  166.0     --       --    Large Cap I                     36.1     35.2     --    Mid Cap Fund                    70.4     34.4     29.7   Dreyfus Appreciation              9.8     17.2     23.3    Basic S&P 500                   11.6     20.5     24.3    Disciplined Stock Retail        12.5     20.0     24.1    Fund                            14.3     13.5     14.6    Growth & Income                 11.0     12.7     15.0    S&P 500 Index                   11.2     20.1     24.0    Third Century Z(**)             23.1     23.9     26.5   Dreyfus Founders Discovery       94.2     43.2     32.3      F(**)    Growth F(**)                    23.9     22.3     24.7   Dreyfus Premier Technology       97.2     --       --     Growth A   Eastcliff Total Return           28.3     26.4     26.6   Eaton Vance Tax Managed          16.8     20.6     24.2     Growth A   S&P 500-Stock Index              11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund          22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                   CATEGORY      STYLE    American Express Stock A        Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Strategy Agg A                 AggGro        MidGro    Utilities Income A             Utility       Sector   Amerindo Technology D           Sector        Sector   Ameritor Security Trust         Gro-Inc       LarGro   Ark Balanced A                  Balanced      Flex   Armada Equity Growth A          Growth        LarGro   ASAF Janus Capital Growth A     AggGro        LarBlnd > Baron Asset                     AggGro        SmlGro   Bear Stearns S&P Stars A        AggGro        LarBlnd   Berger Balanced                 Balanced      Flex     Growth                        Growth        LarGro    Growth & Income                Gro-Inc       LarGro    Small Cap Value Inv(**)        AggGro        SmlVal    Small Company Growth           AggGro        SmlGro   Berkshire Focus                 AggGro        LarGro   BlackRock Balanced A            Balanced      Flex    Index Equity A                 Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Large Cap Growth A             Growth        LarGro    Large Cap Value A              Growth        LarVal    Micro Cap A(**)                AggGro        SmlBlnd    Select Equity A                AggGro        LarBlnd    Small Cap Growth A(**)         AggGro        SmlGro   Brandywine Fund                 AggGro        MidGro   Bridgeway Aggressive Growth     AggGro        SmlGro    Social Responsibility          Gro-Inc       LarGro   BT Inv Equity 500 Index         Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   Calamos Growth & Income A       Gro-Inc       Convert    Growth A                       AggGro        MidGro   Chase Vista Growth &            Gro-Inc       LarVal     Income A > Cohen & Steers Realty shares    Sector        Sector   Colonial Fund A                 Balanced      Flex    US Growth & Income A           Gro-Inc       LarVal   Columbia Growth                 Growth        LarGro   Conseco Balanced A              Balanced      Flex   Davis New York Venture A        Growth        LarVal > Delaware Balanced A             Balanced      Flex    Growth Opps A                  AggGro        MidGro    Income A                       Gro-Inc       LarVal    Select Growth A                AggGro        AllCap    Trend A                        AggGro        SmlGro   Dodge & Cox Balanced            Balanced      Flex    Stock                          Gro-Inc       LarVal   Domini Social Equity            Gro-Inc       LarGro > Dresdner RCM Biotechnology N    Sector        Sector    Global Tech N                  Sector        Sector    Large Cap I                    Growth        LarGro    Mid Cap Fund                   AggGro        MidGro   Dreyfus Appreciation            Growth        LarGro    Basic S&P 500                  Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Disciplined Stock Retail       Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Fund                           Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth & Income                Gro-Inc       LarVal    S&P 500 Index                  Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Third Century Z(**)            Growth        LarGro   Dreyfus Founders Discovery      AggGro        SmlGro     F(**)    Growth F(**)                   Growth        LarGro   Dreyfus Premier Technology      Sector        Sector      Growth A   Eastcliff Total Return          Gro-Inc       LarGro   Eaton Vance Tax Managed         Growth        LarGro     Growth A   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    American Express Stock A          4     6     6     7     7    Strategy Agg A                   3     5     2     8     3    Utilities Income A               8     4     4     3     4   Amerindo Technology D             4     1     5    --    --   Ameritor Security Trust           1     1    10    10    10   Ark Balanced A                    1     1     1     9     6   Armada Equity Growth A            5     4     4     2     7   ASAF Janus Capital Growth A       7     1    --    --    -- > Baron Asset                      10     4     5     6     3   Bear Stearns S&P Stars A          4     2     3     1     9   Berger Balanced                   1     1    --    --    --    Growth                           1     8     6    10     7    Growth & Income                  1     1     6     9     8    Small Cap Value Inv(**)          9     5     4    --    --    Small Company Growth             1     6     5     9     1   Berkshire Focus                   1     1    --    --    --   BlackRock Balanced A              6     2     2     1     4    Index Equity A                   4     2     2     6     3    Large Cap Growth A               2     2     2     6     3    Large Cap Value A               10     8     6     3     5    Micro Cap A(**)                  1     1    --    --    --    Select Equity A                  9     4     3     1     8    Small Cap Growth A(**)           2     5     7     9     1   Brandywine Fund                   3     5    10     3     6   Bridgeway Aggressive Growth       1     3     4     6     1    Social Responsibility            1     1     1    10     1   BT Inv Equity 500 Index           4     2     2     1     2   Calamos Growth & Income A         1     5     6     8     1    Growth A                         1     3     4     4     2   Chase Vista Growth &              7     6     4     6     7     Income A > Cohen & Steers Realty shares      7     7     8     2     9   Colonial Fund A                   4     8     2     3     2    US Growth & Income A             5     6     3     3     7   Columbia Growth                   4     2     3     7     3   Conseco Balanced A                1     9     1    --    --   Davis New York Venture A          5     4     6     1     6 > Delaware Balanced A              10     6     1     4     5    Growth Opps A                    3     4     7     8     5    Income A                        10     9     5     4     6    Select Growth A                  4     1     1     4     4    Trend A                          2     3     7     9     3   Dodge & Cox Balanced              7     4     6     3     5    Stock                            6     4     7     4     4   Domini Social Equity              3     1     1     1     4 > Dresdner RCM Biotechnology N      1     4    --    --    --    Global Tech N                    1    --    --    --    --    Large Cap I                      2     1     1    --    --    Mid Cap Fund                     2     4     5     5     5   Dreyfus Appreciation              7     6     3     1     2    Basic S&P 500                    4     2     2     1     2    Disciplined Stock Retail         3     4     1     2     1    Fund                             3     6     9    10     8    Growth & Income                  4     6     9     9     6    S&P 500 Index                    4     2     2     2     2    Third Century Z(**)              4     3     4     3     2   Dreyfus Founders Discovery        1     2     6     9     3     F(**)    Growth F(**)                     4     5     4     9     1   Dreyfus Premier Technology        2     1    --    --    --     Growth A   Eastcliff Total Return            1     2     1     6     2   Eaton Vance Tax Managed           5     5     4     2     5     Growth A   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    American Express Stock A          6     6     5     4     7    Strategy Agg A                   1     6     2     9     1    Utilities Income A               8     2     2     6     9   Amerindo Technology D             3     1     7    --    --   Ameritor Security Trust           3     1     9     9    10   Ark Balanced A                    4     4     5     7     9   Armada Equity Growth A            5     3     3     2     6   ASAF Janus Capital Growth A       4     1    --    --    -- > Baron Asset                       9     3     5     9     1   Bear Stearns S&P Stars A          2     2     3     2     7   Berger Balanced                   3     1    --    --    --    Growth                           2     6     4     9     6    Growth & Income                  2     2     5     6     8    Small Cap Value Inv(**)          7     7     4    --    --    Small Company Growth             1     7     5    10     1   Berkshire Focus                   1     1    --    --    --   BlackRock Balanced A              7     5     5     4     8    Index Equity A                   6     3     2     4     4    Large Cap Growth A               3     2     2     5     3    Large Cap Value A               10     6     4     2     5    Micro Cap A(**)                  1     1    --    --    --    Select Equity A                  7     4     4     1     5    Small Cap Growth A(**)           1     6     8    10     1   Brandywine Fund                   2     7    10     6     3   Bridgeway Aggressive Growth       1     2     4     9     1    Social Responsibility            2     2     1     8     2   BT Inv Equity 500 Index           6     3     2     1     4   Calamos Growth & Income A         2     5     5     5     3    Growth A                         1     2     4     7     1   Chase Vista Growth &              8     6     4     4     7     Income A > Cohen & Steers Realty shares      8     9    10     1    10   Colonial Fund A                   7     7     5     5     8    US Growth & Income A             7     5     3     2     7   Columbia Growth                   4     2     2     5     3   Conseco Balanced A                2     7     5    --    --   Davis New York Venture A          5     3     4     1     5 > Delaware Balanced A              10     6     5     6     9    Growth Opps A                    1     3     8     9     2    Income A                        10     8     5     3     6    Select Growth A                  2     1     1     7     2    Trend A                          1     2     7    10     1   Dodge & Cox Balanced              8     5     8     5     9    Stock                            8     4     6     3     5   Domini Social Equity              6     2     2     1     5 > Dresdner RCM Biotechnology N      1     5    --    --    --    Global Tech N                    1    --    --    --    --    Large Cap I                      3     1     1    --    --    Mid Cap Fund                     1     4     5     8     2   Dreyfus Appreciation              6     5     2     1     3    Basic S&P 500                    6     3     2     1     4    Disciplined Stock Retail         6     4     1     2     3    Fund                             5     6     8     8     8    Growth & Income                  6     6     8     8     7    S&P 500 Index                    6     3     2     1     4    Third Century Z(**)              4     3     3     2     3   Dreyfus Founders Discovery        1     2     7    10     1     F(**)    Growth F(**)                     4     4     3     7     1   Dreyfus Premier Technology        1     1    --    --    --     Growth A   Eastcliff Total Return            3     3     2     4     4   Eaton Vance Tax Managed           5     4     3     1     4     Growth A   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     2000         VOLA-                                    DOWN        TILITY       MGR.                                     MKT.     RANK([double   SINCE                                                dagger])    American Express Stock A          -5.8%         4          '99    Strategy Agg A                  -39.2         10          '98    Utilities Income A               -8.7          2          '95   Amerindo Technology D            -53.0         10          '96   Ameritor Security Trust          -18.9          8          '97   Ark Balanced A                    -5.2          2          '94   Armada Equity Growth A            -3.1          5          '95   ASAF Janus Capital Growth A       24.7          8          '97 > Baron Asset                      -17.0          8          '87   Bear Stearns S&P Stars A          -4.9          7          '95   Berger Balanced                  -11.8          7          '00    Growth                          -28.9          9          '99    Growth & Income                 -20.5          8          '98    Small Cap Value Inv(**)           9.8          6          '97    Small Company Growth            -36.5         10          '00   Berkshire Focus                  -40.5         10          '97   BlackRock Balanced A              -4.1          1          '96    Index Equity A                   -1.6          4          '96    Large Cap Growth A              -12.7          7          '97    Large Cap Value A                 6.9          5          '97    Micro Cap A(**)                 -40.6         10          '98    Select Equity A                  -6.2          5          '95    Small Cap Growth A(**)          -41.0         10          '93   Brandywine Fund                  -17.3          8          '85   Bridgeway Aggressive Growth      -22.4         10          '94    Social Responsibility            -3.9          7          '94   BT Inv Equity 500 Index           -1.4          4          '92   Calamos Growth & Income A        -18.9          5          '88    Growth A                        -26.1         10          '90   Chase Vista Growth &               1.3          4          '99     Income A > Cohen & Steers Realty shares      11.4          3          '91   Colonial Fund A                   -1.6          2          '97    US Growth & Income A              7.7          5          '96   Columbia Growth                  -11.2          6          '92   Conseco Balanced A               -21.1          4          '97   Davis New York Venture A           2.5          5          '97 > Delaware Balanced A               -2.5          2          '00    Growth Opps A                   -33.5          9          '96    Income A                         10.6          3          '93    Select Growth A                 -34.0          9          '97    Trend A                         -30.1          9          '96   Dodge & Cox Balanced              10.4          1          '31    Stock                            16.8          5          '65   Domini Social Equity              -5.1          6          '99 > Dresdner RCM Biotechnology N     -40.3         10          '98    Global Tech N                   -40.3         10          '99    Large Cap I                      -9.5          7          '96    Mid Cap Fund                    -32.2          9          '87   Dreyfus Appreciation               8.3          4          '90    Basic S&P 500                    -1.3          4          '95    Disciplined Stock Retail         -3.2          5          '96    Fund                             -3.7          6          '97    Growth & Income                  -0.2          4          '97    S&P 500 Index                    -1.4          4          '95    Third Century Z(**)              -5.4          5          '94   Dreyfus Founders Discovery       -27.2         10          '97      F(**)    Growth F(**)                    -24.9          8          '98   Dreyfus Premier Technology       -36.1         10          '97     Growth A   Eastcliff Total Return           -13.3          4          '95   Eaton Vance Tax Managed           -1.3          4          '96     Growth A   S&P 500-Stock Index               -1.4%         5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0          6                                          MIN.     MAX.       EXPENSE                                         INVEST   LOAD       RATIO    American Express Stock A              $2,000   5.75%      0.82%    Strategy Agg A                        2,000   5.75       1.02    Utilities Income A                    2,000   5.75       0.86(r)   Amerindo Technology D                  2,500   2.00(r)    2.25(*)   Ameritor Security Trust                1,000   none       7.24   Ark Balanced A                           500   4.75       1.01(*)   Armada Equity Growth A                   500   5.50       1.17(*)   ASAF Janus Capital Growth A            1,000   5.75       1.70(*) > Baron Asset                            2,000   none       1.31(*)   Bear Stearns S&P Stars A               1,000   5.50       1.50(*)   Berger Balanced                        2,000   none       1.23(*)    Growth                                2,000   none       1.36(*)    Growth & Income                       2,000   none       1.35(*)    Small Cap Value Inv(**)                  --   none       1.37(*)    Small Company Growth                  2,000   none       1.60(*)   Berkshire Focus                        5,000   none       1.89   BlackRock Balanced A                     500   4.50       1.25(*)    Index Equity A                          500   3.00       0.75(*)    Large Cap Growth A                      500   4.50       1.22(*)    Large Cap Value A                       500   4.50       1.19(*)    Micro Cap A(**)                          --   5.00       1.90(*)    Select Equity A                         500   4.50       1.21(*)    Small Cap Growth A(**)                  500   4.50       1.23(*)   Brandywine Fund                       25,000   none       1.05   Bridgeway Aggressive Growth            2,000   none       1.04(*)    Social Responsibility                 2,000   none       1.50(*)   BT Inv Equity 500 Index                2,500   none       0.25   Calamos Growth & Income A                500   4.75       2.00(*)    Growth A                                500   4.75       2.00(*)   Chase Vista Growth &                   2,500   5.75       1.26(*)     Income A > Cohen & Steers Realty shares          10,000   none       1.06(*)   Colonial Fund A                        1,000   5.75       1.12(*)    US Growth & Income A                  1,000   5.75       1.41(*)   Columbia Growth                        1,000   none       0.65   Conseco Balanced A                       250   5.75       1.50(*)   Davis New York Venture A               1,000   4.75       0.90(*) > Delaware Balanced A                    1,000   5.75       1.12(*)    Growth Opps A                         1,000   5.75       1.37(*)    Income A                              1,000   5.75       1.03(*)    Select Growth A                       1,000   5.75       1.67(*)    Trend A                               1,000   5.75       1.45(*)   Dodge & Cox Balanced                   2,500   none       0.53    Stock                                 2,500   none       0.55   Domini Social Equity                   1,000   none       0.98(*) > Dresdner RCM Biotechnology N           5,000   none       1.50(*)    Global Tech N                         5,000   none       1.75(*)    Large Cap I                    ([sections])   none       0.95    Mid Cap Fund                         10,000   none       0.77   Dreyfus Appreciation                   2,500   none       0.88    Basic S&P 500                        10,000   none       0.20    Disciplined Stock Retail              2,500   none       1.00(*)    Fund                                  2,500   none       0.71    Growth & Income                       2,500   none       1.03    S&P 500 Index                         2,500   1.00(r)    0.50    Third Century Z(**)                   1,000   none       0.96   Dreyfus Founders Discovery                --   none       1.45(*)     F(**)    Growth F(**)                             --   none       1.08(*)   Dreyfus Premier Technology             1,000   5.75       1.20     Growth A   Eastcliff Total Return                 1,000   none       1.30   Eaton Vance Tax Managed                1,000   5.75       0.68     Growth A   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) Ranked 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(**) Closed to new investors.

([sections]) Available through various discount brokerages, financial planners or bank trust departments; minimum investments and loads may vary.

(r) Maximum redemption fee.

(*) May include a 12b-1 fee.

                                           ANNUALIZED                                          TOTAL RETURN                                     1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    Enterprise Growth A               7.5%    18.8%    25.1%   Evergreen Balanced A             10.7     --       --    Foundation A                     8.9     13.0     14.7    Growth & Income A                7.8     10.4     16.8    Omega A                         46.0     34.8     28.6    Small Company Growth A          66.7     --       --    Strategic Growth A              37.1     --       --   Excelsior Optimum Growth         24.7     39.6     --   Federated American Leaders A     -5.9     11.8     18.3    Equity Income A                 13.2     15.2     20.1    Growth Strategies A             41.7     29.6     29.7    Max Cap I                       11.2     20.2     24.1    Stock Trust                     -6.7     12.1     18.8    Utility A                       -0.1     11.6     13.7   Fidelity Fund                    12.9     22.3     24.4    Aggressive Growth               59.8     48.0     35.8    Balanced                         1.3     14.3     14.2    Blue Chip Growth                21.3     23.6     23.2    Capital Appreciation            23.8     22.7     21.3    Contrafund(**)                  13.8     22.3     23.5    Contrafund II                   35.4     --       --    Convertible Securities          41.5     25.4     21.3    Destiny Plan I/O(**)            -7.1     11.7     17.2    Destiny Plan II/O(**)           15.3     21.8     23.1    Disciplined Equity              21.4     22.2     22.4    Dividend Growth                  8.2     21.6     24.9    Equity-Income                   -2.2     11.3     17.4    Equity-Income II                -2.0     12.3     16.8    Growth & Income(**)              6.6     17.0     21.5    Growth Company                  72.1     38.8     32.6    Large Cap Stock                 20.7     25.6     --    Low-Priced Stock                 7.0      8.8     15.3    Magellan(**)                    14.7     22.9     22.0    Mid Cap Stock                   54.4     32.1     27.7    New Millennium(**)              56.7     44.2     40.1    OTC                             53.2     37.4     31.1    Puritan                          1.4      9.9     13.9    Retirement Growth               47.0     32.6     25.9    Stock Selector                  17.9     18.3     21.2    Trend                           24.2     14.9     15.9    Utilities                       13.5     27.7     24.3 >  Utilities Growth                12.0     30.9     27.5    Value                           -9.0      5.4     12.5   Fidelity Advisor Balanced T      -0.6      9.2     11.2    Dynamic Cap App T               62.3     --       --    Equity Growth T                 28.0     29.2     27.2    Equity Income T                 -4.5      9.4     14.6    Growth & Income T               12.4     21.3     --    Growth Opps T                   -4.9     11.6     16.5    Mid Cap T                       53.2     30.6     --    Small Cap T                     30.1     --       --    Technology T                    66.7     45.8     -- >  Telecomm & Utilities            18.8     31.8     --   Fidelity Asset Manager Fund      12.8     14.6     15.6    Growth                           9.1     14.7     17.5   Fidelity Freedom 2010            16.7     16.8     --    2020                            20.8     19.7     --    2030                            22.6     20.6     --   Fidelity Select                 113.5     48.4     36.0    Biotechnology Computers         87.2     59.9     44.4   S&P 500-Stock Index              11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund          22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                   CATEGORY      STYLE    Enterprise Growth A             Growth        LarGro   Evergreen Balanced A            Balanced      Flex    Foundation A                   Balanced      Flex    Growth & Income A              Gro-Inc       LarVal    Omega A                        AggGro        LarGro    Small Company Growth A         Agggro        SmlGro    Strategic Growth A             Growth        LarGro   Excelsior Optimum Growth        Growth        LarGro   Federated American Leaders A    Gro-Inc       LarVal    Equity Income A                Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Growth Strategies A            AggGro        MidGro    Max Cap I                      Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Stock Trust                    Gro-Inc       LarVal    Utility A                      Utility       Sector   Fidelity Fund                   Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Aggressive Growth              AggGro        LarGro    Balanced                       Balanced      Flex    Blue Chip Growth               Growth        LarGro    Capital Appreciation           Growth        LarBlnd    Contrafund(**)                 Growth        LarGro    Contrafund II                  Growth        LarGro    Convertible Securities         Gro-Inc       Convert    Destiny Plan I/O(**)           Growth        LarBlnd    Destiny Plan II/O(**)          Growth        LarGro    Disciplined Equity             Growth        LarGro    Dividend Growth                Growth        LarBlnd    Equity-Income                  Gro-Inc       LarVal    Equity-Income II               Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth & Income(**)            Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Growth Company                 Growth        LarGro    Large Cap Stock                Growth        LarGro    Low-Priced Stock               AggGro        SmlVal    Magellan(**)                   Growth        LarGro    Mid Cap Stock                  Growth        MidGro    New Millennium(**)             AggGro        AllCap    OTC                            AggGro        LarGro    Puritan                        Balanced      Flex    Retirement Growth              Growth        LarGro    Stock Selector                 Growth        LarGro    Trend                          Growth        SmlGro    Utilities                      Utility       Sector >  Utilities Growth               Utility       Sector    Value                          Growth        MidVal   Fidelity Advisor Balanced T     Balanced      Flex    Dynamic Cap App T              Growth        LarGro    Equity Growth T                Growth        LarGro    Equity Income T                Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth & Income T              Gro-Inc       LarGro    Growth Opps T                  Growth        LarVal    Mid Cap T                      AggGro        MidGro    Small Cap T                    AggGro        SmlBlnd    Technology T                   Sector        Sector >  Telecomm & Utilities           Gro-Inc       Sector   Fidelity Asset Manager Fund     Gro-Inc       Flex    Growth                         Gro-Inc       LarGro   Fidelity Freedom 2010           Gro-Inc       Special    2020                           Gro-Inc       Special    2030                           Gro-Inc       Special   Fidelity Select                 Sector        Sector    Biotechnology Computers        Sector        Sector   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Enterprise Growth A               8     4     3     1     1   Evergreen Balanced A              4     6    --    --    --    Foundation A                     5     6     2     2    10    Growth & Income A                6    10     5     5     3    Omega A                          5     2     2     5     7    Small Company Growth A           3     8    --    --    --    Strategic Growth A               2     3    --    --    --   Excelsior Optimum Growth          3     1     1     7    --   Federated American Leaders A      9     4     3     3     2    Equity Income A                  3     4     9     3     4    Growth Strategies A              5     3     4     3     4    Max Cap I                        4     2     2     2     2    Stock Trust                      9     3     3     2     2    Utility A                        9     9    10     4     8   Fidelity Fund                     3     1     1     6     1    Aggressive Growth                3     1     2     7     5    Balanced                         8     1     2     2    10    Blue Chip Growth                 4     3     4     4    10    Capital Appreciation             4     3     7     7    10    Contrafund(**)                   6     1     4     6     4    Contrafund II                    2     2    --    --    --    Convertible Securities           1     5     5    10     9    Destiny Plan I/O(**)            10     4     4     3     8    Destiny Plan II/O(**)            6     2     5     3     8    Disciplined Equity               4     6     2     6     8    Dividend Growth                  8     3     1     4     2    Equity-Income                    8     6     4     4     4    Equity-Income II                 8     5     3     7     6    Growth & Income(**)              6     3     3     5     1    Growth Company                   1     1     9     9     3    Large Cap Stock                  5     1     3     5    --    Low-Priced Stock                 9     7     4     2     7    Magellan(**)                     6     1     4     5    10    Mid Cap Stock                    1     6     3    10     3    New Millennium(**)               4     1     6     3     2    OTC                              4     1     7     5     6    Puritan                          8     5     3     2     5    Retirement Growth                1     2     4     9     9    Stock Selector                   5     8     4     6     4    Trend                            3    10     8    10     6    Utilities                        4     1     2     3     3 >  Utilities Growth                 5     1     2     2     1    Value                           10     8     9     7     5   Fidelity Advisor Balanced T       9     5     4     2    10    Dynamic Cap App T                1    --    --    --    --    Equity Growth T                  3     1     5     8     3    Equity Income T                  9     7     5     7     7    Growth & Income T                3     1     1    --    --    Growth Opps T                   10     5     6     3     9    Mid Cap T                        4     4     3     5    --    Small Cap T                      6    --    --    --    --    Technology T                     3     2     7    --    -- >  Telecomm & Utilities             3     1     1    --    --   Fidelity Asset Manager Fund       3     5     8     8    10    Growth                           5     6     6     6     9   Fidelity Freedom 2010             2     4     8    --    --    2020                             2     3     7    --    --    2030                             2     3     6    --    --   Fidelity Select                   1     3     6     9     2    Biotechnology Computers          2     1     4     5     6   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Enterprise Growth A               7     3     2     1     2   Evergreen Balanced A              6     6    --    --    --    Foundation A                     7     6     6     5    10    Growth & Income A                7     8     5     3     4    Omega A                          2     1     2     8     4    Small Company Growth A           1    10    --    --    --    Strategic Growth A               3     3    --    --    --   Excelsior Optimum Growth          4     1     1     6    --   Federated American Leaders A     10     4     3     2     4    Equity Income A                  5     4     8     2     5    Growth Strategies A              2     2     5     5     2    Max Cap I                        6     3     2     1     4    Stock Trust                     10     4     3     2     4    Utility A                        9     5     5     6     9   Fidelity Fund                     6     2     1     4     3    Aggressive Growth                2     1     2     9     2    Balanced                         8     3     6     5    10    Blue Chip Growth                 4     2     3     3     8    Capital Appreciation             4     2     5     6     9    Contrafund(**)                   5     2     3     5     4    Contrafund II                    3     2    --    --    --    Convertible Securities           2     5     5     8     8    Destiny Plan I/O(**)            10     3     3     2     7    Destiny Plan II/O(**)            5     2     4     3     7    Disciplined Equity               4     5     1     5     7    Dividend Growth                  7     2     1     3     2    Equity-Income                    9     5     4     3     5    Equity-Income II                 9     5     3     4     6    Growth & Income(**)              7     4     3     3     3    Growth Company                   1     1     7     7     3    Large Cap Stock                  4     2     3     4    --    Low-Priced Stock                 7     9     5     4     5    Magellan(**)                     5     2     3     4     9    Mid Cap Stock                    2     4     2     8     3    New Millennium(**)               2     1     6     6     1    OTC                              2     1     7     8     3    Puritan                          8     6     7     5     9    Retirement Growth                2     2     3     8     8    Stock Selector                   5     6     3     5     4    Trend                            4     8     6     9     5    Utilities                        5     1     1     6     8 >  Utilities Growth                 6     1     1     5     7    Value                           10     6     8     6     4   Fidelity Advisor Balanced T       9     6     7     4    10    Dynamic Cap App T                2    --    --    --    --    Equity Growth T                  3     1     4     7     3    Equity Income T                  9     6     4     4     7    Growth & Income T                6     2     2    --    --    Growth Opps T                   10     4     4     3     8    Mid Cap T                        2     5     3     8    --    Small Cap T                      3    --    --    --    --    Technology T                     1     1     9    --    -- >  Telecomm & Utilities             4     1     1    --    --   Fidelity Asset Manager Fund       6     5     8     5    10    Growth                           7     5     5     4     8   Fidelity Freedom 2010             5     4     7    --    --    2020                             4     4     6    --    --    2030                             4     4     6    --    --   Fidelity Select                   1     1     9     9     2    Biotechnology Computers          1     1     6     4     6   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     2000         VOLA-                                    DOWN        TILITY       MGR.                                     MKT.     RANK([double   SINCE                                                dagger])    Enterprise Growth A                4.0%         5          '80   Evergreen Balanced A              -4.2          1          '98    Foundation A                     -4.1          2          '99    Growth & Income A                -8.1          3          '99    Omega A                         -20.1          8          '89    Small Company Growth A          -31.5         10          '96    Strategic Growth A              -15.6          8          '95   Excelsior Optimum Growth         -11.0          8          '96   Federated American Leaders A       3.1          3          '96    Equity Income A                 -10.9          2          '97    Growth Strategies A             -35.3          9          '94    Max Cap I                        -1.4          4          '95    Stock Trust                       7.0          4          '97    Utility A                       -13.4          2          '97   Fidelity Fund                    -12.4          5          '93    Aggressive Growth               -38.9          9          '00    Balanced                          1.8          1          '00    Blue Chip Growth                 -9.8          5          '96    Capital Appreciation            -19.6          8          '96    Contrafund(**)                  -11.8          5          '90    Contrafund II                   -12.8          8          '00    Convertible Securities          -23.1          6          '99    Destiny Plan I/O(**)            -12.9          3          '00    Destiny Plan II/O(**)           -12.2          5          '98    Disciplined Equity               -1.9          4          '00    Dividend Growth                   9.2          4          '97    Equity-Income                    12.5          5          '93    Equity-Income II                  3.5          4          '00    Growth & Income(**)              -0.5          3          '93    Growth Company                  -33.2          9          '97    Large Cap Stock                 -13.3          5          '98    Low-Priced Stock                 -1.9          3          '89    Magellan(**)                     -6.0          5          '96    Mid Cap Stock                   -25.7          9          '99    New Millennium(**)              -37.2         10          '92    OTC                             -35.8          9          '00    Puritan                           3.5          1          '00    Retirement Growth               -34.5          9          '96    Stock Selector                   -5.5          6          '00    Trend                           -13.8          9          '98    Utilities                       -20.5          3          '98 >  Utilities Growth                -17.8          3          '99    Value                            17.1          7          '96   Fidelity Advisor Balanced T       -3.7          2          '98    Dynamic Cap App T               -37.3         10          '98    Equity Growth T                 -15.2          6          '97    Equity Income T                   8.2          5          '96    Growth & Income T               -12.1          5          '96    Growth Opps T                   -12.5          3          '00    Mid Cap T                       -26.1          9          '99    Small Cap T                     -27.5          9          '98    Technology T                    -36.0         10          '00 >  Telecomm & Utilities            -27.8          7          '98   Fidelity Asset Manager Fund       -4.1          1          '00    Growth                           -6.0          2          '00   Fidelity Freedom 2010             -6.7          2          '96    2020                             -9.1          2          '96    2030                            -10.2          3          '96   Fidelity Select                  -36.7         10          '00    Biotechnology Computers         -30.7         10          '00   S&P 500-Stock Index               -1.4%         5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0          6                                          MIN.     MAX.       EXPENSE                                         INVEST   LOAD       RATIO    Enterprise Growth A                   $1,000   4.75%      1.40%   Evergreen Balanced A                   1,000   4.75       0.96(*)    Foundation A                          1,000   4.75       1.26(*)    Growth & Income A                     1,000   4.75       1.43(*)    Omega A                               1,000   4.75       1.30(*)    Small Company Growth A                1,000   4.75       1.17(*)    Strategic Growth A                    1,000   4.75       1.00(*)   Excelsior Optimum Growth                 500   none       1.05(*)   Federated American Leaders A           1,500   5.50       1.11(*)    Equity Income A                       1,500   5.50       1.11(*)    Growth Strategies A                   1,500   5.50       1.24    Max Cap I                            25,000   none       0.32    Stock Trust                          25,000   none       0.95    Utility A                             1,500   5.50       1.23   Fidelity Fund                          2,500   none       0.55    Aggressive Growth                     2,500   1.50(r)    0.97    Balanced                              2,500   none       0.65    Blue Chip Growth                      2,500   none       0.70    Capital Appreciation                  2,500   none       0.65    Contrafund(**)                           --   3.00       0.65    Contrafund II                         2,500   3.00       0.93    Convertible Securities                2,500   none       0.82    Destiny Plan I/O(**)                     --   8.24       0.31    Destiny Plan II/O(**)                    --   8.24       0.47    Disciplined Equity                    2,500   none       0.62    Dividend Growth                       2,500   none       0.84    Equity-Income                         2,500   none       0.67    Equity-Income II                      2,500   none       0.66    Growth & Income(**)                      --   none       0.66    Growth Company                        2,500   none       0.74    Large Cap Stock                       2,500   none       0.90    Low-Priced Stock                      2,500   3.00(s)    1.08    Magellan(**)                             --   3.00       0.60    Mid Cap Stock                         2,500   none       0.74    New Millennium(**)                       --   none       0.93    OTC                                   2,500   none       0.74    Puritan                               2,500   none       0.63    Retirement Growth                     2,500   none       0.58    Stock Selector                        2,500   none       0.59    Trend                                 2,500   none       0.58    Utilities                             2,500   3.00(s)    0.80 >  Utilities Growth                      2,500   none       1.04    Value                                 2,500   3.50       0.54   Fidelity Advisor Balanced T            2,500   3.50       1.14(*)    Dynamic Cap App T                     2,500   3.50       1.95(*)    Equity Growth T                       2,500   3.50       1.28(*)    Equity Income T                       2,500   3.50       1.18(*)    Growth & Income T                     2,500   3.50       1.25(*)    Growth Opps T                         2,500   3.50       1.11(*)    Mid Cap T                             2,500   3.50       1.37(*)    Small Cap T                           2,500   3.50       1.56(*)    Technology T                          2,500   3.50       1.46(*) >  Telecomm & Utilities                  2,500   3.50       1.55(*)   Fidelity Asset Manager Fund            2,500   none       0.73    Growth                                2,500   none       0.80   Fidelity Freedom 2010                  2,500   none       0.07    2020                                  2,500   none       0.07    2030                                  2,500   none       0.07   Fidelity Select                        2,500   3.00(s)    1.30    Biotechnology Computers               2,500   3.00(s)    1.23   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) Ranked 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(**) Closed to new investors.

(r) Maximum redemption fee.

(s) Front-end load; redemption fee may apply.

(*) May include a 12b-1 fee.

                                         ANNUALIZED                                        TOTAL RETURN                                     1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    Fidelity Select Developing       80.9%    62.6%    38.7%     Comm    Electronics                    137.9     63.0     52.2    Health Care                     15.3     20.2     24.8    Software & Computer             84.6     46.2     36.8    Technology                     102.2     62.3     45.4    Telecommunications              34.4     38.9     29.5   Fidelity Spartan 500 Index       11.6     20.5     24.3   First American Index A           10.6     20.0     23.9    Large Cap Growth A              29.2     23.8     24.3    Large Cap Value A               -3.7      8.8     16.6 >  Technology A                   144.7     65.8     45.1   FirStar Microcap                151.3     49.7     --   Firsthand Technology            150.0     --       --     Innovators(**)    Technology Value               138.2     62.4     61.3   FirstMerit Equity                40.7     28.3     26.5   Flag Investors                    8.6     43.1     35.9     Communications A   FMI Focus Fund (Fiduciary)       81.0     58.4     --   Fortis Growth A                  67.7     29.8     24.6   Franklin Biotech Discovery      194.1     --       --     A(**)    Equity A                        58.2     28.6     27.9   Franklin Custodian DynaTech      36.7     26.5     25.5     A    Growth A                        15.0     15.9     19.2 >  Income A                         3.6      6.2      8.9 >  Utilities A                     -4.6      7.4      8.5   Franklin Strategic Cal.          99.9     38.9     34.6     Growth A    Small Cap Growth A              92.2     33.5     30.0   Franklin Templeton Mod           28.1     12.4     --     Target A   Fremont Mutual US Micro         105.0     41.7     40.9     Cap(**)   Fundamental Investors Fund       17.0     20.3     22.6   Gabelli Asset                    12.7     21.1     21.3    Growth                          43.0     35.0     32.8    Value A                          9.1     26.8     23.4   Galaxy Equity Growth A           22.9     23.9     24.8   Gateway Fund                     11.7     12.7     11.7   General Securities Fund          47.2     19.3     20.2 > Golden Oak Growth A              38.1     35.7     28.2   Goldman Sachs Capital Gro A      19.9     25.3     25.3 > Green Century Balanced          115.0     29.9     25.6   Guardian Park Avenue A           30.5     23.8     26.1   J. Hancock Financial              3.0     12.4     --     Industries A    Large Cap Value A               32.3     24.5     26.8 >  Regional Bank A                -16.4      3.7     15.5    Small Cap Growth A              53.1     28.1     23.8    Sovereign Investors A           -0.2     10.9     15.8    Tech A                          88.9     55.8     37.8   Harbor Capital Appreciation      37.1     33.0     30.1   Hartford Advisers A               8.5     15.1     --    Capital Appreciation A          47.2     30.6     --    Stock A                         11.9     22.0     --   Heritage Growth Equity A         66.0     41.4     --   HomeState Technology            151.9     --       --   Idex JCC Balanced A              15.1     22.1     21.6   JCC Growth A                     39.9     41.7     35.3   Invesco Balanced Inv              9.7     15.2     18.7    Blue Chip Growth Inv            38.3     32.2     29.9    Dynamics Inv                    57.0     40.3     31.8    Equity Income Inv                8.2     14.3     17.1    Health Sciences Inv             16.5     18.7     23.3    Small Company Growth Inv        71.1     33.9     28.3    Technology Inv                 127.7     55.4     43.1   S&P 500-Stock Index              11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund          22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                   CATEGORY      STYLE    Fidelity Select Developing      Sector        Sector     Comm    Electronics                    Sector        Sector    Health Care                    Sector        Sector    Software & Computer            Sector        Sector    Technology                     Sector        Sector    Telecommunications             Sector        Sector   Fidelity Spartan 500 Index      Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   First American Index A          Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Large Cap Growth A             Growth        LarGro    Large Cap Value A              Gro-Inc       LarVal >  Technology A                   Sector        Sector   FirStar Microcap                AggGro        SmlGro   Firsthand Technology            Sector        Sector     Innovators(**)    Technology Value               Sector        Sector   FirstMerit Equity               Gro-Inc       LarGro   Flag Investors                  Sector        Sector     Communications A   FMI Focus Fund (Fiduciary)      AggGro        MidGro   Fortis Growth A                 AggGro        MidGro   Franklin Biotech Discovery      Sector        Sector     A(**)    Equity A                       Growth        LarGro   Franklin Custodian DynaTech     Sector        Sector     A    Growth A                       Growth        LarBlnd >  Income A                       Gro-Inc       Flex >  Utilities A                    Utility       Sector   Franklin Strategic Cal.         AggGro        MidGro     Growth A    Small Cap Growth A             AggGro        SmlGro   Franklin Templeton Mod          Balanced      Flex     Target A   Fremont Mutual US Micro         AggGro        SmlGro     Cap(**)   Fundamental Investors Fund      Gro-Inc       LarVal   Gabelli Asset                   Growth        LarVal    Growth                         Growth        LarGro    Value A                        Growth        MidBlnd   Galaxy Equity Growth A          Growth        LarBlnd   Gateway Fund                    Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   General Securities Fund         Gro-Inc       LarVal > Golden Oak Growth A             Gro-Inc       LarGro   Goldman Sachs Capital Gro A     Growth        LarGro > Green Century Balanced          Balanced      Flex   Guardian Park Avenue A          Growth        LarGro   J. Hancock Financial            Sector        Sector     Industries A    Large Cap Value A              Gro-Inc       LarVal >  Regional Bank A                Sector        Sector    Small Cap Growth A             AggGro        SmlGro    Sovereign Investors A          Gro-Inc       LarVal    Tech A                         Sector        Sector   Harbor Capital Appreciation     Growth        LarGro   Hartford Advisers A             Gro-Inc       Flex    Capital Appreciation A         AggGro        AllCap    Stock A                        Growth        LarBlnd   Heritage Growth Equity A        Growth        LarGro   HomeState Technology            Sector        Sector   Idex JCC Balanced A             Balanced      Flex   JCC Growth A                    AggGro        LarGro   Invesco Balanced Inv            Balanced      Flex    Blue Chip Growth Inv           Growth        LarGro    Dynamics Inv                   AggGro        MidGro    Equity Income Inv              Gro-Inc       LarVal    Health Sciences Inv            Sector        Sector    Small Company Growth Inv       AggGro        SmlGro    Technology Inv                 Sector        Sector   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Fidelity Select Developing        2     1     5    10     8     Comm    Electronics                      1     1     9     1     4    Health Care                      5     4     3     3     3    Software & Computer              2     3     3     7     3    Technology                       2     1     6     5     5    Telecommunications               4     2     1     8     6   Fidelity Spartan 500 Index        4     2     2     2     2   First American Index A            4     2     2     2     2    Large Cap Growth A               2     5     5     6     5    Large Cap Value A                9     6     8     1     4 >  Technology A                     1     2     5    10     1   FirStar Microcap                  1     7     2     6    --   Firsthand Technology              1     1    --    --    --     Innovators(**)    Technology Value                 1     1     9     4     1   FirstMerit Equity                 1     1     6     7     5   Flag Investors                    6     1     1     6     3    Communications A   FMI Focus Fund (Fiduciary)        2     2     1    --    --   Fortis Growth A                   3     5     6     7     7   Franklin Biotech Discovery        1     6    --    --    --     A(**)    Equity A                         1     7     7     3     7   Franklin Custodian DynaTech       4     3     7     5     7      A    Growth A                         6     5     9     8     3 >  Income A                         7     9    10     9    10 >  Utilities A                     10    10     9    10     8   Franklin Strategic Cal.           1     4     8     3     4     Growth A    Small Cap Growth A               1     5     8     6     4   Franklin Templeton Mod            1    10    10    --    --     Target A   Fremont Mutual US Micro           1     2    10     5     1     Cap(**)   Fundamental Investors Fund        2     2     5     4     5   Gabelli Asset                     6     4     1     7     8    Growth                           1     1     1     3     3    Value A                          7     1     1    10     6   Galaxy Equity Growth A            4     3     4     5     5   Gateway Fund                      4     5    10    10    10   General Securities Fund           1     8    10     7     8 > Golden Oak Growth A               1     1     1     9     8   Goldman Sachs Capital Gro A       5     3     1     2     9 > Green Century Balanced            1    10     8    10     3   Guardian Park Avenue A            2     7     3     1     6   J. Hancock Financial              7     7     2     4    --     Industries A    Large Cap Value A                1     4     3     1     3 >  Regional Bank A                 10     8     2     1     4    Small Cap Growth A               4     4     7     8     4    Sovereign Investors A            8     6     6     7     6    Tech A                           2     1     5     9     6   Harbor Capital Appreciation       2     1     1     5     5   Hartford Advisers A               5     4     6    --    --    Capital Appreciation A           4     3     4    --    --    Stock A                          7     2     2    --    --   Heritage Growth Equity A          1     2     1     2    --   HomeState Technology              1     5    --    --    --   Idex JCC Balanced A               2     1     2     5     1   JCC Growth A                      5     1     1     6     3   Invesco Balanced Inv              4     2     2     6     1    Blue Chip Growth Inv             1     1     2     6     4    Dynamics Inv                     4     2     1     6     6    Equity Income Inv                5     5     6     6     9    Health Sciences Inv              5     4     3     8     1    Small Company Growth Inv         2     4     6     9     2    Technology Inv                   1     2     6     7     2   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     DECILE RANK (YEAR TO JUNE                                          12)([dagger])                                          ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Fidelity Select Developing        1     1     6    10     8     Comm    Electronics                      1     1    10     1     3    Health Care                      5     5     1     2     2    Software & Computer              1     1     3     8     2    Technology                       1     1     9     5     6    Telecommunications               3     1     1     9     7   Fidelity Spartan 500 Index        6     3     2     1     4   First American Index A            6     3     2     2     4    Large Cap Growth A               3     4     4     4     5    Large Cap Value A                9     5     7     1     5 >  Technology A                     1     1     7    10     1   FirStar Microcap                  1     8     1     9    --   Firsthand Technology              1     1    --    --    --     Innovators(**)    Technology Value                 1     1    10     2     1   FirstMerit Equity                 2     2     5     5     6   Flag Investors                    7     1     1     7     2     Communications A   FMI Focus Fund (Fiduciary)        1     1     1    --    --   Fortis Growth A                   1     7     6     9     4   Franklin Biotech Discovery        1     9    --    --    --     A(**)    Equity A                         2     6     6     2     6   Franklin Custodian DynaTech       3     1     9     3     7     A    Growth A                         5     4     8     7     3 >  Income A                         8     8     9     7    10 >  Utilities A                      9     8     5     9    10   Franklin Strategic Cal.           1     4     8     6     2     Growth A    Small Cap Growth A               1     7     9     8     2   Franklin Templeton Mod            3     9     9    --    --     Target A   Fremont Mutual US Micro           1     2    10     8     1     Cap(**)   Fundamental Investors Fund        5     3     5     3     6   Gabelli Asset                     6     3     1     6     7    Growth                           2     2     1     2     3    Value A                          7     1     1     8     6   Galaxy Equity Growth A            4     3     3     4     5   Gateway Fund                      6     5     9     8    10   General Securities Fund           2     7    10     5     8 > Golden Oak Growth A               3     1     1     7     8   Goldman Sachs Capital Gro A       4     2     1     2     8 > Green Century Balanced            1    10     7     8     4   Guardian Park Avenue A            3     5     2     1     5   J. Hancock Financial              8     9     1     2    --     Industries A    Large Cap Value A                3     4     3     1     5 >  Regional Bank A                 10     9     1     1     3    Small Cap Growth A               2     4     8    10     2    Sovereign Investors A            9     6     5     5     6    Tech A                           1     1     8     9     6   Harbor Capital Appreciation       3     2     1     4     5   Hartford Advisers A               7     4     6    --    --    Capital Appreciation A           2     3     4    --    --    Stock A                          6     2     2    --    --   Heritage Growth Equity A          1     2     1     2    --   HomeState Technology              1     7    --    --    --   Idex JCC Balanced A               5     1     5     6     7   JCC Growth A                      2     1     1     9     1   Invesco Balanced Inv              7     4     6     6     3    Blue Chip Growth Inv             3     2     2     5     3    Dynamics Inv                     2     1     1     9     3    Equity Income Inv                7     5     5     4     8    Health Sciences Inv              5     5     3     9     1    Small Company Growth Inv         1     4     7    10     1    Technology Inv                   1     1     9     8     2   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                     2000         VOLA-                                    DOWN        TILITY       MGR.                                     MKT.     RANK([double   SINCE                                                dagger])    Fidelity Select Developing       -40.2%        10          '00     Comm    Electronics                     -28.1         10          '00    Health Care                       4.6          4          '99    Software & Computer             -32.7         10          '00    Technology                      -40.6         10          '00    Telecommunications              -33.7          9          '98   Fidelity Spartan 500 Index        -1.3          4          '94   First American Index A            -1.4          4          '92    Large Cap Growth A              -12.6          6          '94    Large Cap Value A                13.1          5          '91 >  Technology A                    -48.1         10          '94   FirStar Microcap                 -31.5         10          '97   Firsthand Technology             -50.4         10          '98     Innovators(**)    Technology Value                -37.6         10          '94   FirstMerit Equity                -12.7          6          '82   Flag Investors                   -24.7          9          '97     Communications A   FMI Focus Fund (Fiduciary)       -14.2          8          '96   Fortis Growth A                  -33.4          9          '98   Franklin Biotech Discovery        40.0         10          '97     A(**)    Equity A                        -17.8          8          '96   Franklin Custodian DynaTech      -16.4          3          '00     A    Growth A                          6.3          1          '65 >  Income A                          6.3          1          '57 >  Utilities A                      12.4          2          '90   Franklin Strategic Cal.          -31.4          9          '93     Growth A    Small Cap Growth A              -33.7         10          '92   Franklin Templeton Mod           -16.1          2          '00     Target A   Fremont Mutual US Micro          -29.2         10          '94     Cap(**)   Fundamental Investors Fund         1.4          2          '84   Gabelli Asset                     -1.6          3          '86    Growth                            0.2          7          '95    Value A                          -0.6          5          '89   Galaxy Equity Growth A            -1.7          5          '90   Gateway Fund                       0.2          1          '94   General Securities Fund          -10.0          5          '98 > Golden Oak Growth A              -13.1          7          '96   Goldman Sachs Capital Gro A       -1.2          6          '99 > Green Century Balanced           -25.9          9          '95   Guardian Park Avenue A           -25.8          6          '98   J. Hancock Financial              17.2          8          '96     Industries A    Large Cap Value A               -14.1          6          '00 >  Regional Bank A                  22.0          8          '85    Small Cap Growth A              -39.6         10          '96    Sovereign Investors A            14.8          3          '95    Tech A                          -38.4         10          '83   Harbor Capital Appreciation      -16.6          8          '90   Hartford Advisers A                0.0          1          '96    Capital Appreciation A          -23.5          9          '96    Stock A                          -0.3          4          '96   Heritage Growth Equity A         -20.2          8          '99   HomeState Technology             -55.7         10          '97   Idex JCC Balanced A              -10.5          2          '96   JCC Growth A                     -22.2          8          '95   Invesco Balanced Inv              -4.5          1          '94    Blue Chip Growth Inv            -25.1          7          '93    Dynamics Inv                    -31.2          9          '93    Equity Income Inv                 3.0          2          '93    Health Sciences Inv             -28.2          9          '94    Small Company Growth Inv        -36.1         10          '96    Technology Inv                  -40.3         10          '99   S&P 500-Stock Index               -1.4%         5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0          6                                          MIN.     MAX.       EXPENSE                                         INVEST   LOAD       RATIO    Fidelity Select Developing            $2,500   3.00%      1.34%     Comm    Electronics                           2,500   3.00(s)    1.15    Health Care                           2,500   3.00(s)    1.05    Software & Computer                   2,500   3.00(s)    1.27    Technology                            2,500   3.00(s)    1.20    Telecommunications                    2,500   3.00(s)    1.25   Fidelity Spartan 500 Index            10,000   0.50(r)    0.19   First American Index A                 1,000   5.25       0.60(*)    Large Cap Growth A                    1,000   5.25       1.05(*)    Large Cap Value A                     1,000   5.25       1.05(*) >  Technology A                          1,000   5.25       1.15(*)   FirStar Microcap                       1,000   5.50       2.01   Firsthand Technology                      --   none       1.93     Innovators(**)    Technology Value                     10,000   none       1.91   FirstMerit Equity                      1,000   5.50       1.05   Flag Investors     Communications A                     2,000   5.50       0.96(*)   FMI Focus Fund (Fiduciary)             1,000   none       1.81   Fortis Growth A                          500   4.75       1.06(*)   Franklin Biotech Discovery                --   5.75       1.52(*)     A(**)    Equity A                              1,000   5.75       0.92(*)   Franklin Custodian DynaTech            1,000   5.75       1.00(*)     A    Growth A                              1,000   5.75       0.89(*) >  Income A                              1,000   4.25       0.73(*) >  Utilities A                           1,000   4.25       0.80(*)   Franklin Strategic Cal.                1,000   5.75       1.00     Growth A    Small Cap Growth A                    1,000   5.75       0.94(*)   Franklin Templeton Mod                 1,000   5.75       0.85(*)     Target A   Fremont Mutual US Micro                   --   none       1.82     Cap(**)   Fundamental Investors Fund               250   5.75       0.63(*)   Gabelli Asset                          1,000   none       1.37(*)    Growth                                1,000   none       1.37(*)    Value A                               1,000   5.50       1.38(*)   Galaxy Equity Growth A                 2,500   3.75       1.34   Gateway Fund                           1,000   none       0.98(*)   General Securities Fund                1,500   none       1.49 > Golden Oak Growth A                    1,000   5.75       1.31(*)   Goldman Sachs Capital Gro A            1,000   5.50       1.42(*) > Green Century Balanced                 2,000   none       2.50(*)   Guardian Park Avenue A                 1,000   4.50       0.77   J. Hancock Financial                   1,000   5.00       1.39(*)     Industries A    Large Cap Value A                     1,000   5.00       1.17(*) >  Regional Bank A                       1,000   5.00       1.27(*)    Small Cap Growth A                    1,000   5.00       1.34(*)    Sovereign Investors A                 1,000   5.00       1.05(*)    Tech A                                2,000   5.00       1.35(*)   Harbor Capital Appreciation            2,000   none       0.66   Hartford Advisers A                      500   5.50       1.26(*)    Capital Appreciation A                  500   5.50       1.33(*)    Stock A                                 500   5.50       1.33(*)   Heritage Growth Equity A               1,000   4.75       1.24(*)   HomeState Technology                     500   4.75       2.90(*)   Idex JCC Balanced A                      500   5.50       1.81(*)   JCC Growth A                             500   5.50       1.40(*)   Invesco Balanced Inv                   1,000   none       1.21(*)    Blue Chip Growth Inv                  1,000   none       1.03(*)    Dynamics Inv                          1,000   none       1.03(*)    Equity Income Inv                     1,000   none       0.90(*)    Health Sciences Inv                   1,000   none       1.22(*)    Small Company Growth Inv              1,000   none       1.50(*)    Technology Inv                        1,000   none       1.20(*)   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) Ranked 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(**) Closed to new investors.

(s) Front-end load; redemption fee may apply.

(r) Maximum redemption fee.

(*) May include a 12b-1 fee.

                                         ANNUALIZED                                        TOTAL RETURN                                    1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    Invesco Telecommunications       77.4%    63.8%    45.4%     Inv    Total Return Inv                -8.2      7.0     11.9   IPS Millennium                   70.4     52.3     40.2   Janus Fund                       35.9     33.4     29.1    Balanced                        16.5     22.1     21.5    Enterprise                      83.6     51.4     37.0    Equity Income                   21.9     31.3     --    Global Life Sciences(**)        71.4     --       --    Global Tech(**)                132.5     --       -- >  Growth & Income                 38.9     34.9     33.6    Mercury                         58.9     50.9     37.2    Olympus(**)                     68.7     54.8     --    Special Situations              33.8     36.1     --    Twenty(**)                      36.9     45.1     39.3    Venture(**)                     69.0     42.1     27.8   Kaufmann Fund                    53.8     16.4     19.5   Kemper Blue Chip A               12.7     16.2     21.4    Growth A                        32.7     20.5     20.4    Small Cap A                     48.5     15.3     17.5    Technology A                    99.9     52.3     38.8    Total Return A                   8.2     12.5     15.3   Kemper Dreman High Return A     -12.3      6.1     17.2 > Kinetics Internet Fund           22.9    104.0     --   Kopp Emerging Growth            166.9     --       --   Legg Mason Special Inv           18.8     22.1     23.1     Primary    Value Primary Tr                10.3     29.0     33.8   Leonetti Balanced                13.0     21.1     -- > Lindner Asset Allocation Inv     -4.8      0.7      5.2 >  Utility Inv                     36.0     20.8     22.3   Longleaf Partners Fund          -11.6     11.9     15.8    Small Cap(**)                   -1.1     10.6     17.6   Loomis Sayles Agg Gro Instl     140.1     65.0     --   Lord Abbett Affiliated A          6.9     14.5     18.9    Developing Growth A(**)         12.7     16.5     21.1   Mainstay Cap Appreciation A      22.5     25.0     24.7    Equity Index A                  10.8     21.0     24.3    Total Return B                  16.2     17.1     17.1   MainStay Instl Growth            23.4     25.6     26.0    Indexed                         11.6     20.6     24.3   Managers Special Equity          62.9     26.1     26.8   Marsico Focus                    27.3     --       --    Growth & Income                 27.4     --       --   MAS Mid Cap Growth Instl         53.6     45.4     36.9    Mid Cap Value Instl             18.9     22.4     27.2    Small Cap Growth Instl         110.7     --       --    Small Cap Value Instl           22.7     15.8     21.5   Massachusetts Investors           4.3     14.6     21.4     Trust A    Growth A                        34.9     34.5     33.5   Merrill Lynch Basic Value D       0.9     12.6     17.0    Capital D                       -0.3      7.6     12.0    Fundamental Gro D               32.8     29.9     29.7    Global Tech D                   81.7     --       --    Growth D                        39.1      3.2     11.2    S&P 500 Index D                 11.2     20.0     --    Special Value D                 26.7     14.6     18.8   MFS Capital Opportunities A      41.7     33.5     30.3    Emerging Growth B               48.0     27.7     26.2    Growth Opportunities A          34.6     25.0     25.7    Large Cap Growth A              36.0     29.4     27.4    New Discovery A(**)             63.9     35.5     --   S&P 500-Stock Index              11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund          22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                    CATEGORY      STYLE    Invesco Telecommunications      Sector        Sector      Inv    Total Return Inv               Gro-Inc       Flex   IPS Millennium                  AggGro        AllCap   Janus Fund                      AggGro        LarGro    Balanced                       Balanced      Flex    Enterprise                     AggGro        SmlGro    Equity Income                  Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Global Life Sciences(**)       Sector        Sector    Global Tech(**)                Sector        Sector >  Growth & Income                Gro-Inc       LarGro    Mercury                        AggGro        LarGro    Olympus(**)                    AggGro        LarGro    Special Situations             AggGro        SmlGro    Twenty(**)                     AggGro        LarGro    Venture(**)                    AggGro        SmlGro   Kaufmann Fund                   AggGro        SmlGro   Kemper Blue Chip A              Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Growth A                       Growth        LarGro    Small Cap A                    AggGro        SmlGro    Technology A                   Sector        Sector    Total Return A                 Balanced      Flex   Kemper Dreman High Return A     Gro-Inc       Larval > Kinetics Internet Fund          Sector        Sector   Kopp Emerging Growth            AggGro        SmlGro   Legg Mason Special Inv          AggGro        SmlBlnd     Primary    Value Primary Tr               Growth        LarBlnd   Leonetti Balanced               Balanced      Flex > Lindner Asset Allocation Inv    Balanced      Flex >  Utility Inv                    Utility       Sector   Longleaf Partners Fund          Growth        LarBlnd    Small Cap(**)                  AggGro        SmlVal   Loomis Sayles Agg Gro Instl     AggGro        MidGro   Lord Abbett Affiliated A        Gro-Inc       LarVal    Developing Growth A(**)        AggGro        SmlGro   Mainstay Cap Appreciation A     Growth        LarGro    Equity Index A                 Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Total Return B                 Balanced      Flex   MainStay Instl Growth           Growth        LarGro    Indexed                        Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   Managers Special Equity         AggGro        SmlBlnd   Marsico Focus                   AggGro        LarBlnd    Growth & Income                Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   MAS Mid Cap Growth Instl        AggGro        MidGro    Mid Cap Value Instl            AggGro        MidVal    Small Cap Growth Instl         AggGro        SmlBlnd    Small Cap Value Instl          AggGro        SmlVal   Massachusetts Investors         Gro-Inc       LarBlnd     Trust A    Growth A                       Growth        LarGro   Merrill Lynch Basic Value D     Gro-Inc       LarVal    Capital D                      Gro-Inc       Flex    Fundamental Gro D              Growth        LarGro    Global Tech D                  Sector        Sector    Growth D                       Growth        LarGro    S&P 500 Index D                Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Special Value D                AggGro        SmlGro   MFS Capital Opportunities A     Growth        LarBlnd    Emerging Growth B              Growth        LarGro    Growth Opportunities A         Growth        LarGro    Large Cap Growth A             Growth        LarGro    New Discovery A(**)            AggGro        SmlGro   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                        DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                        JUNE 12)([dagger])                                           WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Invesco Telecommunications        2     1     1     6     5     Inv    Total Return Inv                10     6     7     7     9   IPS Millennium                    2     1     2     4     5   Janus Fund                        5     2     3     3     7    Balanced                         2     1     2     4     2    Enterprise                       2     1     5     9     3    Equity Income                    2     1     1    --    --    Global Life Sciences(**)         3    --    --    --    --    Global Tech(**)                  1    --    --    --    -- >  Growth & Income                  1     1     1     7     1    Mercury                          3     1     2     7     6    Olympus(**)                      3     1     1     7     2    Special Situations               6     2     1    --    --    Twenty(**)                       5     1     1     2     5    Venture(**)                      2     2     3    10     6   Kaufmann Fund                     4     9     9     7     2   Kemper Blue Chip A                3     4     7     3     1    Growth A                         2     9     5    10     4    Small Cap A                      4     9     9     7     4    Technology A                     2     2     5     9     3    Total Return A                   5     4     5     3     5   Kemper Dreman High Return A      10     6     6     1     1 > Kinetics Internet Fund            5     1     1    --    --   Kopp Emerging Growth              1     1    --    --    --   Legg Mason Special Inv            7     3     5     3     6     Primary    Value Primary Tr                 7     1     1     1     2   Leonetti Balanced                 3     1     1    10    -- > Lindner Asset Allocation Inv     10    10     8    10     5 >  Utility Inv                      1     8    10     9     1   Longleaf Partners Fund           10     3     3     7     8    Small Cap(**)                   10     5     4     1     7   Loomis Sayles Agg Gro Instl       1     1     5    --    --   Lord Abbett Affiliated A          6     4     7     4     6    Developing Growth A(**)          8     5     4     6     2   Mainstay Cap Appreciation A       4     2     3     9     3    Equity Index A                   4     1     2     2     3    Total Return B                   2     2     3     9     2   MainStay Instl Growth             4     2     3     8     1    Indexed                          4     2     2     2     2   Managers Special Equity           3     6     6     5     3   Marsico Focus                     6     2    --    --    --    Growth & Income                  1     1    --    --    --   MAS Mid Cap Growth Instl          4     2     1     8     1    Mid Cap Value Instl              7     4     2     1     5    Small Cap Growth Instl           1    --    --    --    --    Small Cap Value Instl            7     6     6     1     6   Massachusetts Investors           7     6     2     1     1     Trust A    Growth A                         2     1     1     2     2   Merrill Lynch Basic Value D       7     6     4     5     7    Capital D                        8     9     8     8     9    Fundamental Gro D                2     1     2     3     4    Global Tech D                    2    --    --    --    --    Growth D                         1    10    10     6     6    S&P 500 Index D                  4     2     2    --    --    Special Value D                  6     7     6     2     7   MFS Capital Opportunities A       1     2     1     9     1    Emerging Growth B                1     6     6    10     1    Growth Opportunities A           2     5     6     8     2    Large Cap Growth A               2     3     2     9     2    New Discovery A(**)              3     5     1    --    --   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                        DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                        JUNE 12)([dagger])                                           ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Invesco Telecommunications        1     1     1     7     5     Inv    Total Return Inv                10     6     6     5     9   IPS Millennium                    1     1     2     8     2   Janus Fund                        3     1     3     6     5    Balanced                         5     2     6     6     8    Enterprise                       1     1     5    10     1    Equity Income                    4     1     2    --    --    Global Life Sciences(**)         1    --    --    --    --    Global Tech(**)                  1    --    --    --    -- >  Growth & Income                  2     1     1     4     2    Mercury                          2     1     2     9     3    Olympus(**)                      1     1     1     9    --    Special Situations               3     1     1    --    --    Twenty(**)                       3     1     1     3     2    Venture(**)                      1     1     3    10     3   Kaufmann Fund                     2    10     9     9     2   Kemper Blue Chip A                6     4     6     2     3    Growth A                         3     8     4     8     4    Small Cap A                      2    10     9     9     2    Technology A                     1     1     7     9     2    Total Return A                   7     5     8     5     9   Kemper Dreman High Return A      10     6     5     1     2 > Kinetics Internet Fund            4     1     1    --    --   Kopp Emerging Growth              1     1    --    --    --   Legg Mason Special Inv            4     2     6     6     3     Primary    Value Primary Tr                 6     1     1     1     2   Leonetti Balanced                 6     2     5     8    -- > Lindner Asset Allocation Inv      9     9     9     9     9 >  Utility Inv                      3     5     9     9     1   Longleaf Partners Fund           10     2     2     5     7    Small Cap(**)                    9     6     4     2     4   Loomis Sayles Agg Gro Instl       1     1     5    --    --   Lord Abbett Affiliated A          7     4     6     2     6    Developing Growth A(**)          6     5     4     9     1   Mainstay Cap Appreciation A       4     2     2     7     3    Equity Index A                   6     2     3     2     4    Total Return B                   5     4     7     8     8   MainStay Instl Growth             4     2     2     6     2    Indexed                          6     3     2     1     4   Managers Special Equity           1     8     6     8     1   Marsico Focus                     3     2    --    --    --    Growth & Income                  3     2    --    --    --   MAS Mid Cap Growth Instl          2     1     1    10     1    Mid Cap Value Instl              4     3     2     1     3    Small Cap Growth Instl           1    --    --    --    --    Small Cap Value Instl            4     8     6     2     3   Massachusetts Investors           8     6     2     1     3     Trust A    Growth A                         3     2     1     2     3   Merrill Lynch Basic Value D       8     5     4     3     7    Capital D                        9     7     7     5     9    Fundamental Gro D                3     2     2     2     3    Global Tech D                    1    --    --    --    --    Growth D                         2    10    10     5     5    S&P 500 Index D                  6     3     2    --    --    Special Value D                  3     9     6     4     4   MFS Capital Opportunities A       2     2     1     8     2    Emerging Growth B                2     5     5     9     1    Growth Opportunities A           3     4     4     6     2    Large Cap Growth A               3     2     2     7     3    New Discovery A(**)              1     7     1    --    --   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                                VOLA-                                    2000       TILITY                                    DOWN     RANK([double   MGR.                                    MKT.      dagger])      SINCE    Invesco Telecommunications       -37.3%      10          '97     Inv    Total Return Inv                  7.7        2          '87   IPS Millennium                   -39.5        9          '95   Janus Fund                       -14.9        7          '86    Balanced                        -10.0        2          '96    Enterprise                      -41.0       10          '92    Equity Income                   -13.6        6          '96    Global Life Sciences(**)        -36.4       10          '98    Global Tech(**)                 -37.9       10          '98 >  Growth & Income                 -16.9        7          '97    Mercury                         -27.1        9          '93    Olympus(**)                     -32.8        9          '97    Special Situations              -13.0        7          '96    Twenty(**)                      -23.1        8          '97    Venture(**)                     -49.4       10          '93   Kaufmann Fund                    -29.6        9          '85   Kemper Blue Chip A                -4.1        4          '94    Growth A                        -10.5        8          '99    Small Cap A                     -46.2       10          '99    Technology A                    -33.7       10          '98    Total Return A                   -2.1        2          '95   Kemper Dreman High Return A       19.6        6          '88 > Kinetics Internet Fund           -48.6       10          '99   Kopp Emerging Growth             -35.3       10          '97   Legg Mason Special Inv           -12.7        8          '99     Primary    Value Primary Tr                  0.5        8          '90   Leonetti Balanced                -13.2        3          '95 > Lindner Asset Allocation Inv     -11.0        2          '82 >  Utility Inv                     -19.4        7          '93   Longleaf Partners Fund            18.6        6          '87    Small Cap(**)                     7.8        2          '87   Loomis Sayles Agg Gro Instl      -38.1       10          '99   Lord Abbett Affiliated A           7.9        3          '96    Developing Growth A(**)         -25.4        9          '95   Mainstay Cap Appreciation A      -10.8        6          '95    Equity Index A                   -1.5        5          '99    Total Return B                   -7.0        2          '91   MainStay Instl Growth            -10.4        6          '91    Indexed                          -1.4        4          '91   Managers Special Equity          -24.5        9          '85   Marsico Focus                    -20.7        9          '97    Growth & Income                 -20.8        8          '97   MAS Mid Cap Growth Instl         -30.9        9          '90    Mid Cap Value Instl              -9.6        7          '97    Small Cap Growth Instl          -36.6       10          '90    Small Cap Value Instl           -23.4        8          '86   Massachusetts Investors            1.2        3          '92     Trust A    Growth A                        -16.4        7          '99   Merrill Lynch Basic Value D       11.1        3          '94    Capital D                         0.7        2          '96    Fundamental Gro D               -18.0        6          '92    Global Tech D                   -37.4       10          '98    Growth D                        -19.3        8          '99    S&P 500 Index D                  -1.4        4          '97    Special Value D                  -4.3        8          '96   MFS Capital Opportunities A      -18.6        5          '99    Emerging Growth B               -21.9        9          '86    Growth Opportunities A          -20.8        8          '92    Large Cap Growth A              -16.4        6          '99    New Discovery A(**)             -26.4        9          '97   S&P 500-Stock Index                1.4%       5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0        6                                          MIN.     MAX.       EXPENSE                                         INVEST   LOAD       RATIO    Invesco Telecommunications            $1,000   none       1.24%(*)     Inv    Total Return Inv                      1,000   none       0.83(*)   IPS Millennium                         2,500   none       1.39   Janus Fund                             2,500   none       0.84    Balanced                              2,500   none       0.91    Enterprise                            2,500   none       0.95    Equity Income                         2,500   none       1.01    Global Life Sciences(**)                 --   none       1.19    Global Tech(**)                          --   none       1.02 >  Growth & Income                       2,500   none       0.90    Mercury                               2,500   none       0.91    Olympus(**)                              --   none       0.93    Special Situations                    2,500   none       0.98    Twenty(**)                               --   none       0.87    Venture(**)                              --   none       0.92   Kaufmann Fund                          1,500   0.20%(r)   1.94(*)   Kemper Blue Chip A                     1,000   5.75       1.19    Growth A                              1,000   5.75       1.05    Small Cap A                           1,000   5.75       1.01    Technology A                          1,000   5.75       0.93    Total Return A                        1,000   5.75       1.02   Kemper Dreman High Return A            1,000   5.75       1.20 > Kinetics Internet Fund                 1,000   none       1.29   Kopp Emerging Growth                   5,000   3.50(s)    1.50(*)   Legg Mason Special Inv                 1,000   none       1.84(*)     Primary    Value Primary Tr                      1,000   none       1.69(*)   Leonetti Balanced                        100   none       1.77 > Lindner Asset Allocation Inv           2,000   2.00(r)    0.66 >  Utility Inv                           3,000   2.00(r)    0.97   Longleaf Partners Fund                10,000   none       1.00    Small Cap(**)                            --   none       0.97   Loomis Sayles Agg Gro Instl     ([sections])   none       1.00   Lord Abbett Affiliated A                 250   5.75       0.74(*)    Developing Growth A(**)                  --   5.75       1.20(*)   Mainstay Cap Appreciation A              500   5.50       1.00(*)    Equity Index A                        1,000   3.00       0.94*    Total Return B                          500   5.00(r)    1.88(*)   MainStay Instl Growth           ([sections])   none       0.93    Indexed                        ([sections])   none       0.30   Managers Special Equity                2,000   none       1.34   Marsico Focus                          2,500   none       1.31(*)    Growth & Income                       2,500   none       1.43(*)   MAS Mid Cap Growth Instl        ([sections])   none       0.62    Mid Cap Value Instl            ([sections])   none       0.87    Small Cap Growth Instl         ([sections])   none       1.18    Small Cap Value Instl          ([sections])   none       0.86   Massachusetts Investors                1,000   5.75       0.88(*)     Trust A    Growth A                              1,000   5.75       0.87(*)   Merrill Lynch Basic Value D            1,000   5.25       0.80(*)    Capital D                             1,000   5.25       0.82(*)    Fundamental Gro D                     1,000   5.25       1.05(*)    Global Tech D                         1,000   5.25       1.50(*)    Growth D                              1,000   5.25       1.21(*)    S&P 500 Index D                       1,000   none       0.63(*)    Special Value D                       1,000   5.25       1.30   MFS Capital Opportunities A            1,000   5.75       1.18(*)    Emerging Growth B                     1,000   4.00(r)    1.88(*)    Growth Opportunities A                1,000   5.75       0.80(*)    Large Cap Growth A                    1,000   5.75       1.22(*)    New Discovery A(**)                      --   5.75       1.51(*)   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(**) Closed to new investors.

([sections]) Available through various discount brokerages, financial planners or bank trust departments; minimum investments and loads may vary.

(r) Maximum redemption fee.

(s) Front-end load; redemption fee may apply.

(*) May include a 12-1 fee.

                                         ANNUALIZED                                        TOTAL RETURN                                    1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    MFS Research A                   25.5%    20.6%   24.0%    Strategic Growth A              45.0     39.7    --    Total Return A                   2.7     10.0    13.4    Utilities A                     28.3     26.1    26.1 > Millennium Growth & Income       59.9     --      --   Monetta Balanced                 22.3     17.4    --   Morgan Stanley DW Amer Opp B     27.9     29.0     26.8    Developing Growth B             57.3     29.1     24.8    Dividend Growth B              -11.3      7.1     14.3    Information B                  111.0     69.0     --    Mid Cap Tr B                    64.0     60.9     --    S&P 500 Index B                 10.2     --       --    Small Cap Gro B                 90.4     43.6     35.0    Strategist B                    14.2     14.8     16.0    Utilities B                      8.7     19.5     16.6    Value Added                      1.8     12.0     16.1   Munder Balanced A                30.5     18.0     17.1    Index 500 A                     11.3     20.2     24.1    Net Net A(**)                   75.2     86.0     --   Munder Framlington              150.6     34.4     --     Healthcare C   Mutual Discovery Z(**)           21.3     14.0     18.6     (Franklin)    Qualified Z(**) (Franklin)       5.3     10.5     15.4    Shares Fund Z(**) (Franklin)     4.0     10.2     15.5   Nations Marsico Focused Inv A    25.5     --       --    Value Inv A                     -6.4      8.8     15.5   Nationwide D(**)                  2.1     16.9     22.8   Neuberger Berman Focus           29.5     20.3     21.6    Guardian                         0        6.5     12.5    Manhattan                       67.1     29.3     24.8    Partners                        -2.2      9.5     17.0   Nicholas Fund                     1.7     11.7     18.4   Northern Growth Equity           24.1     25.4     25.0    Technology                     107.9     70.4     --   Nvest Growth A                    8.6     16.0     20.4    Star Advisers A                 29.7     24.3     24.2   Oak Pin Oak Aggressive Stock    132.9     57.8     39.1    Red Oak Technology Select      185.5     --       --    White Oak Growth                60.2     39.7     39.2 > Oakmark Fund I                  -18.7      1.1     10.7    Select I                         4.3     22.6     --   One Group Diversified A           8.4     19.4     22.4    Diversified Mid Cap A           21.4     14.2     --    Equity Index A                  11.1     20.1     23.9    Large Cap Growth A              17.5     25.9     25.2    Large Cap Value A               -0.1     12.3     15.0    Mid Cap Growth A                43.2     32.2     29.2   Oppenheimer Cap                  43.0     30.2     29.4     Appreciation A    Capital Income A                -1.3      9.1     14.5    Discovery A                     57.9     17.7     18.5    Enterprise B                    51.6     41.5     --    Growth A                        52.8     24.1     24.5    Main St. Income & Growth A      12.9     18.8     20.5    Mid Cap A                       89.7     --       --    Quest Balanced Value A          -0.6     19.5     19.8    Quest Opp Value A                0.1      8.7     14.6    Quest Value A                   -8.2      7.7     14.7    Total Return A                  15.9     19.1     21.2   PaineWebber America Gro &         7.6     13.3     19.4    Inc A    Tactical Allocation C            9.9     18.9     22.6   Parkstone Mid Cap                59.8     28.8     24.5   S&P 500-Stock Index              11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund          22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                    CATEGORY      STYLE    MFS Research A                  Growth        LarBlnd    Strategic Growth A             AggGro        LarGro    Total Return A                 Balanced      Flex    Utilities A                    Utility       Sector > Millennium Growth & Income      Gro-Inc       LarGro   Monetta Balanced                Balanced      Flex   Morgan Stanley DW Amer Opp B    Growth        LarGro    Developing Growth B            AggGro        SmlGro    Dividend Growth B              Gro-Inc       LarVal    Information B                  Sector        Sector    Mid Cap Tr B                   AggGro        MidGro    S&P 500 Index B                Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Small Cap Gro B                AggGro        SmlGro    Strategist B                   Gro-Inc       Flex    Utilities B                    Utility       Sector    Value Added                    Gro-Inc       LarVal   Munder Balanced A               Balanced      Flex    Index 500 A                    Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Net Net A(**)                  Sector        Sector   Munder Framlington              Sector        Sector     Healthcare C   Mutual Discovery Z(**)          AggGro        SmlVal     (Franklin)    Qualified Z(**) (Franklin)     Gro-Inc       AllCap    Shares Fund Z(**) (Franklin)   Gro-Inc       AllCap   Nations Marsico Focused Inv A   AggGro        LarBlnd    Value Inv A                    Gro-Inc       LarVal   Nationwide D(**)                Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   Neuberger Berman Focus          AggGro        MidGro    Guardian                       Gro-Inc       LarVal    Manhattan                      AggGro        MidGro    Partners                       Growth        LarVal   Nicholas Fund                   Growth        LarBlnd   Northern Growth Equity          Growth        LarGro    Technology                     Sector        Sector   Nvest Growth A                  Growth        LarGro    Star Advisers A                Growth        LarBlnd   Oak Pin Oak Aggressive Stock    AggGro        MidGro    Red Oak Technology Select      Sector        Sector    White Oak Growth               AggGro        LarGro > Oakmark Fund I                  Growth        LarVal    Select I                       AggGro        MidVal   One Group Diversified A         Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Diversified Mid Cap A          Growth        MidVal    Equity Index A                 Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Large Cap Growth A             Growth        LarGro    Large Cap Value A              Gro-Inc       LarVal    Mid Cap Growth A               AggGro        MidGro   Oppenheimer Cap                 AggGro        LarGro     Appreciation A    Capital Income A               Gro-Inc       Flex    Discovery A                    AggGro        SmlGro    Enterprise B                   AggGro        SmlGro    Growth A                       AggGro        MidGro    Main St. Income & Growth A     Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Mid Cap A                      AggGro        MidBlnd    Quest Balanced Value A         Balanced      Flex    Quest Opp Value A              Gro-Inc       LarVal    Quest Value A                  Growth        LarVal    Total Return A                 Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   PaineWebber America Gro &       Gro-Inc       LarVal    Inc A    Tactical Allocation C          Gro-Inc       Flex   Parkstone Mid Cap               Growth        SmlGro   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                        DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                        JUNE 12)([dagger])                                           WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    MFS Research A                    3     7     5     8     1    Strategic Growth A               5     2     1     1    --    Total Return A                   8     6     4     3     5    Utilities A                      1     5     2     1     1 > Millennium Growth & Income        0    --    --    --    --   Monetta Balanced                  1     2     6     2    --   Morgan Stanley DW Amer Opp B      3     2     1     9     1    Developing Growth B              4     4     7     9     2    Dividend Growth B               10     6     5     4     5    Information B                    2     1     3    --    --    Mid Cap Tr B                     3     1     1    --    --    S&P 500 Index B                  5     3    --    --    --    Small Cap Gro B                  1     3     4    10     1    Strategist B                     3     7     7     9     8    Utilities B                      6     4     5     7     9    Value Added                      7     6     5     8     7   Munder Balanced A                 1     6     7    10     3    Index 500 A                      4     2     2     2     2    Net Net A(**)                    2     1     1    --    --   Munder Framlington                1    10     7    --    --     Healthcare C   Mutual Discovery Z(**)            7     7     4     2     7     (Franklin)    Qualified Z(**) (Franklin)       6     8     7     6     7    Shares Fund Z(**) (Franklin)     7     8     8     5     7   Nations Marsico Focused Inv A     7     2    --    --    --    Value Inv A                      9     6     5     5     4   Nationwide D(**)                  7     5     1     1     1   Neuberger Berman Focus            6     5     5     2     9    Guardian                         8     9     9     5     9    Manhattan                        3     6     5     4     9    Partners                         9     8     7     2     4   Nicholas Fund                     9     9     3     3     3   Northern Growth Equity            4     3     3     5     7    Technology                       2     1     3     3    --   Nvest Growth A                    7     8     2     2     8    Star Advisers A                  2     4     7    10     1   Oak Pin Oak Aggressive Stock      1     1     7     7     7    Red Oak Technology Select        1    --    --    --    --    White Oak Growth                 3     2     2     1     3 > Oakmark Fund I                   10     9     8     4     5    Select I                         9     3     1    --    --   One Group Diversified A           5     3     1     3     5    Diversified Mid Cap A            4     9     8    --    --    Equity Index A                   4     2     2     2     3    Large Cap Growth A               5     1     2     2    10    Large Cap Value A                8     4     6     6    10    Mid Cap Growth A                 5     3     3     3     6   Oppenheimer Cap                   5     3     3     2     6     Appreciation A    Capital Income A                 8     9     4     5     8    Discovery A                      3     9     9     9     2    Enterprise B                     4     2     1     9    --    Growth A                         4     5     8     2     8    Main St. Income & Growth A       3     3     3     8     5    Mid Cap A                        1     2    --    --    --    Quest Balanced Value A           9     1     1     3     3    Quest Opp Value A                8     8     7     7     4    Quest Value A                   10     8     4     6     4    Total Return A                   2     5     3     8     3   PaineWebber America Gro &         6     8     3     3     2    Inc A    Tactical Allocation C            5     3     3     2     4   Parkstone Mid Cap                 1     8     7    10     1   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                        DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                        JUNE 12)([dagger])                                           ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    MFS Research A                    4     6     4     6     2    Strategic Growth A               2     1     1     1    --    Total Return A                   8     6     7     5     9    Utilities A                      3     3     1     2     6 > Millennium Growth & Income        2    --    --    --    --   Monetta Balanced                  4     5     8     5    --   Morgan Stanley DW Amer Opp B      3     2     1     8     2    Developing Growth B              2     4     7    10     1    Dividend Growth B               10     6     5     3     6    Information B                    1     1    --    --    --    Mid Cap Tr B                     1     1     1    --    --    S&P 500 Index B                  6     3    --    --    --    Small Cap Gro B                  1     2     4    10     1    Strategist B                     5     6     7     7     8    Utilities B                      7     3     2     8    10    Value Added                      8     5     5     5     7   Munder Balanced A                 3     6     8     8     8    Index 500 A                      6     3     2     1     4    Net Net A(**)                    1     1     1    --    --   Munder Framlington                1    10    10    --    --     Healthcare C   Mutual Discovery Z(**)            4     9     4     4     4     (Franklin)    Qualified Z(**) (Franklin)       8     7     6     4     7    Shares Fund Z(**) (Franklin)     8     7     7     4     7   Nations Marsico Focused Inv A     4     1    --    --    --    Value Inv A                     10     6     5     3     5   Nationwide D(**)                  8     5     1     1     3   Neuberger Berman Focus            3     6     6     3     7    Guardian                         9     8     8     3     9    Manhattan                        1     8     5     7     8    Partners                         9     6     5     2     4   Nicholas Fund                     8     7     3     2     3   Northern Growth Equity            4     2     2     4     6    Technology                       1     1     2     1    --   Nvest Growth A                    7     6     2     1     7    Star Advisers A                  3     3     5     8     2   Oak Pin Oak Aggressive Stock      1     1     7     9     5    Red Oak Technology Select        1    --    --    --    --    White Oak Growth                 2     1     2     1     1 > Oakmark Fund I                   10     8     6     3     5    Select I                         8     2     1    --    --   One Group Diversified A           7     3     2     2     6    Diversified Mid Cap A            4     8     6    --    --    Equity Index A                   6     3     2     2     4    Large Cap Growth A               5     1     1     2     8    Large Cap Value A                9     4     5     4    10    Mid Cap Growth A                 2     2     3     6     3   Oppenheimer Cap                   2     2     3     3     4     Appreciation A    Capital Income A                 9     8     4     3     8    Discovery A                      2    10     9    10     1    Enterprise B                     2     1     1    10    --    Growth A                         2     6     9     4     6    Main St. Income & Growth A       6     4     3     6     5    Mid Cap A                        1     1    --    --    --    Quest Balanced Value A           9     1     3     5     8    Quest Opp Value A                9     7     6     5     5    Quest Value A                   10     7     3     5     3    Total Return A                   5     5     3     5     5   PaineWebber America Gro &         7     7     3     2     4    Inc A    Tactical Allocation C            6     3     3     2     5   Parkstone Mid Cap                 2     6     6    10     2   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                                 VOLA-                                    2000        TILITY                                    DOWN     RANK([double   MGR.                                    MKT.       dagger])     SINCE    MFS Research A                    -9.9%       6          '91    Strategic Growth A              -15.9        7          '99    Total Return A                    9.3        1          '92    Utilities A                     -16.1        2          '92 > Millennium Growth & Income       -56.2       10          '98   Monetta Balanced                 -15.2        4          '96   Morgan Stanley DW Amer Opp B     -22.6        8          '85    Developing Growth B             -47.7       10          '99    Dividend Growth B                12.4        3          '81    Information B                    35.9       10          '99    Mid Cap Tr B                     41.4       10          '96    S&P 500 Index B                   1.6        4          '97    Small Cap Gro B                 -48.0       10          '94    Strategist B                    -10.4        2          '94    Utilities B                      -7.8        2          '88    Value Added                      11.1        5          '99   Munder Balanced A                -12.4        2          '93    Index 500 A                      -1.4        4          '92    Net Net A(**)                    50.4       10          '96   Munder Framlington                21.4       10          '96     Healthcare C   Mutual Discovery Z(**)            -1.9        2          '93     (Franklin)    Qualified Z(**) (Franklin)        9.8        3          '80    Shares Fund Z(**) (Franklin)      7.0        3          '85   Nations Marsico Focused Inv A    -20.2        9          '97    Value Inv A                       8.8        4          '89   Nationwide D(**)                  15.8        5          '85   Neuberger Berman Focus             2.1        9          '88    Guardian                          8.7        8          '96    Manhattan                       -37.5        9          '97    Partners                          4.5        4          '90   Nicholas Fund                      2.8        5          '69   Northern Growth Equity            -4.5        6          '98    Technology                      -45.4       10          '96   Nvest Growth A                    -9.9        7          '77    Star Advisers A                 -23.7        7          '99   Oak Pin Oak Aggressive Stock     -39.0       10          '92    Red Oak Technology Select        38.1       10          '98    White Oak Growth                -10.9        9          '92 > Oakmark Fund I                    21.9        6          '00    Select I                         13.9        8          '96   One Group Diversified A           -1.7        5          '96    Diversified Mid Cap A            -5.7        7          '93    Equity Index A                   -1.4        4          '93    Large Cap Growth A              -10.7        6          '94    Large Cap Value A                 6.1        5          '93    Mid Cap Growth A                -20.6        9          '93   Oppenheimer Cap                  -11.3        7          '95     Appreciation A    Capital Income A                  8.3        2          '92    Discovery A                     -40.0       10          '99    Enterprise B                    -46.7       10          '95    Growth A                        -21.8        6          '98    Main St. Income & Growth A       -0.1        4          '98    Mid Cap A                       -35.9       10          '98    Quest Balanced Value A            6.8        3          '92    Quest Opp Value A                10.9        3          '91    Quest Value A                    14.5        5          '99    Total Return A                   -8.6        3          '95   PaineWebber America Gro &         -3.5        5          '95    Inc A    Tactical Allocation C            -0.3        3          '95   Parkstone Mid Cap                -23.3        9          '93   S&P 500-Stock Index                1.4%       5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0        6                                          MIN.     MAX.       EXPENSE                                         INVEST   LOAD       RATIO    MFS Research A                        $1,000   5.75%      0.98%    Strategic Growth A                    1,000   5.75       1.38(*)    Total Return A                        1,000   4.75       0.89(*)    Utilities A                           1,000   4.75       1.05(*) > Millennium Growth & Income             2,500   none       1.45   Monetta Balanced                         250   none       0.95(*)   Morgan Stanley DW Amer Opp B           1,000   5.00(r)    1.33(*)    Developing Growth B                   1,000   5.00(r)    1.70(*)    Dividend Growth B                     1,000   5.00(r)    1.11(*)    Information B                         1,000   5.00(r)    1.95(*)    Mid Cap Tr B                          1,000   5.00(r)    1.74(*)    S&P 500 Index B                       1,000   5.00(r)    1.50(*)    Small Cap Gro B                       1,000   5.00(r)    2.18(*)    Strategist B                          1,000   5.00(r)    1.57(*)    Utilities B                           1,000   5.00(r)    1.65(*)    Value Added                           1,000   5.00(r)    1.42(*)   Munder Balanced A                        250   5.50       1.22(*)    Index 500 A                             250   2.50       0.44(*)    Net Net A(**)                            --   5.50       1.59(*)   Munder Framlington                       250   1.00(r)    2.36(*)     Healthcare C   Mutual Discovery Z(**)                    --   none     (Franklin)    Qualified Z(**) (Franklin)               --   none       0.77    Shares Fund Z(**) (Franklin)             --   none       0.75   Nations Marsico Focused Inv A          1,000   5.75       1.31    Value Inv A                           1,000   5.75       1.19(*)   Nationwide D(**)                          --   4.50       0.73   Neuberger Berman Focus                 1,000   none       0.85    Guardian                              1,000   none       0.82    Manhattan                             1,000   none       1.00    Partners                              1,000   none       0.82   Nicholas Fund                            500   none       0.71   Northern Growth Equity                 2,500   none       1.00    Technology                            2,500   none       1.23   Nvest Growth A                         2,500   5.75       1.12(*)    Star Advisers A                       2,500   5.75       1.62(*)   Oak Pin Oak Aggressive Stock           2,000   none       1.00    Red Oak Technology Select             2,000   none       1.00    White Oak Growth                      2,000   none       1.00 > Oakmark Fund I                         1,000   none       1.11    Select I                              1,000   2.00(r)    1.16   One Group Diversified A                1,000   5.25       1.20(*)    Diversified Mid Cap A                 1,000   5.25       1.10(*)    Equity Index A                        1,000   5.25       0.60(*)    Large Cap Growth A                    1,000   5.25       1.21(*)    Large Cap Value A                     1,000   5.25       1.20(*)    Mid Cap Growth A                      1,000   5.25       1.24(*)   Oppenheimer Cap                        1,000   5.75       1.04(*)     Appreciation A    Capital Income A                      1,000   5.75       0.89(*)    Discovery A                           1,000   5.75       1.31(*)    Enterprise B                          1,000   5.00(r)    2.23(*)    Growth A                              1,000   5.75       1.05(*)    Main St. Income & Growth A            1,000   5.75       0.91(*)    Mid Cap A                             1,000   5.75       1.40(*)    Quest Balanced Value A                1,000   5.75       1.51(*)    Quest Opp Value A                     1,000   5.75       1.57(*)    Quest Value A                         1,000   5.75       1.60(*)    Total Return A                        1,000   5.75       0.87(*)   PaineWebber America Gro &              1,000   4.50       1.08(*)    Inc A    Tactical Allocation C                 1,000   1.00(r)    1.60(*)   Parkstone Mid Cap                        500   5.50       1.57(*)   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) Ranked 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(**) Closed to new investors.

(r) Maximum redemption fee.

(*) May include a 12b-1 fee.

                                         ANNUALIZED                                        TOTAL RETURN                                    1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    Pax World Fund                   11.9%    19.3%    19.1%   PBHG Emerging Growth             76.5     19.9     19.3    Growth                         116.9     31.3     25.8    Large Cap 20                   105.9     63.2     -- >  Large Cap Growth                85.2     41.3     36.9 >  New Opportunities(**)          338.5     --       --    Select Equity                  212.0     60.0     48.0    Tech & Communications          175.3     68.5     --   Phoenix-Engemann Balanced A      20.8     19.6     19.8    Capital Growth A                27.6     23.7     22.8   Phoenix-Oakhurst Balanced A      10.3     12.7     13.9    Income & Growth A                6.6      9.2     11.9   Pilgrim Convertible A            43.1     29.2     26.2   Pimco Growth A                   38.0     30.1     26.5    Innovation C                   125.9     71.1     48.8    Mid Cap Gro Instl               37.4     20.2     22.7    Stocks Plus Instl               11.9     20.3     24.8    Target A                        98.5     41.1     32.7   Pioneer Fund A                   14.7     22.9     24.1 >  Fund II A                        8.0      3.7     11.6    Growth Shares A                 -3.9     18.1     24.0    Mid Cap A                       40.0     18.5     15.5   T. Rowe Price Balanced            9.1     12.4     14.7    Blue Chip Growth                20.2     22.6     25.7    Equity Income                   -4.0     10.2     16.1    Equity Index 500                11.5     20.4     24.3    Growth & Income                 -2.4      9.7     16.2    Growth Stock                    24.2     23.5     24.2    Media & Telecom                 57.0     --       --    Mid-Cap Growth                  24.8     23.0     24.8    New America Growth               5.0     15.0     19.6    New Era                         10.8      6.4     12.0    New Horizons(**)                40.5     19.5     20.9    Science & Technology            68.0     43.3     34.0    Small Cap Stock                 24.5     13.2     17.6 >  Small Cap Value                  9.5      4.4     11.7    Spectrum Growth                 18.4     15.6     18.6   ProFunds UltraOTC Inv           129.6     --       --   Provident Counsel Balanced A     21.0     20.5     19.9   Prudential 20/20 Focus B         11.7     --       --    Equity B                        -5.5      8.7     14.2    Equity Income B                 -6.7      7.7     13.0    Jennison Growth A               34.5     32.3     --    Utility B                       13.4     15.7     17.7   George Putnam Fund of            -3.8      7.3     12.6    Boston A   Putnam Asset Alloc Balanced A    14.6     11.8     15.3    Asset Alloc Growth A            15.8     13.9     17.2    Capital Appreciation A(**)      15.8     12.7     19.7    Convertible Income Gro A         7.7     10.1     13.8    Equity Income A                 -6.5      8.9     15.7    Growth & Income A               -6.4      8.8     15.9    Growth & Income II A           -10.7      6.6     14.3    Growth Opps A                   42.3     35.8     --    Health Sciences A               29.6     19.1     23.6    Investors A                     22.0     25.8     27.1 >  New Century Growth A            96.1     --       --    New Opportunities A(**)         67.3     36.8     31.6    OTC Emerging Growth A           73.7     33.8     27.9    Research Fund A                 23.9     25.6     --    Utilities Growth & Inc A         2.2     13.5     15.8    S&P 500- Stock Index            11.9%    20.8%    24.6%    Average U.S. Stock Fund         22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                    CATEGORY      STYLE    Pax World Fund                  Balanced      Flex   PBHG Emerging Growth            AggGro        SmlGro    Growth                         AggGro        SmlGro    Large Cap 20                   AggGro        LarGro >  Large Cap Growth               Growth        LarGro >  New Opportunities(**)          AggGro        SmlGro    Select Equity                  AggGro        MidGro    Tech & Communications          Sector        Sector   Phoenix-Engemann Balanced A     Balanced      Flex    Capital Growth A               Growth        LarGro   Phoenix-Oakhurst Balanced A     Balanced      Flex    Income & Growth A              Balanced      Flex   Pilgrim Convertible A           Gro-Inc       Convert   Pimco Growth A                  Growth        LarGro    Innovation C                   Sector        Sector    Mid Cap Gro Instl              AggGro        MidGro    Stocks Plus Instl              AggGro        Special    Target A                       AggGro        MidGro   Pioneer Fund A                  Gro-Inc       LarBlnd >  Fund II A                      Gro-Inc       MidVal    Growth Shares A                Growth        LarGro    Mid Cap A                      AggGro        MidGro   T. Rowe Price Balanced          Balanced      Flex    Blue Chip Growth               Growth        LarGro    Equity Income                  Gro-Inc       LarVal    Equity Index 500               Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Growth & Income                Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth Stock                   Growth        LarGro    Media & Telecom                Sector        Sector    Mid-Cap Growth                 Growth        MidGro    New America Growth             AggGro        MidGro    New Era                        Sector        Sector    New Horizons(**)               AggGro        SmlGro    Science & Technology           Sector        Sector    Small Cap Stock                AggGro        SmlVal >  Small Cap Value                AggGro        SmlVal    Spectrum Growth                Growth        AllCap   ProFunds UltraOTC Inv           AggGro        Special   Provident Counsel Balanced A    Balanced      Flex   Prudential 20/20 Focus B        Growth        LarBlnd    Equity B                       Growth        LarVal    Equity Income B                Gro-Inc       AllCap    Jennison Growth A              Growth        LarGro    Utility B                      Utility       Sector   George Putnam Fund of           Balanced      Flex    Boston A   Putnam Asset Alloc Balanced A   Balanced      Flex    Asset Alloc Growth A           Growth        LarGro    Capital Appreciation A(**)     Growth        AllCap    Convertible Income Gro A       Gro-Inc       Convert    Equity Income A                Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth & Income A              Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth & Income II A           Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth Opps A                  AggGro        LarGro    Health Sciences A              Sector        Sector    Investors A                    Growth        LarGro >  New Century Growth A           Growth        LarGro    New Opportunities A(**)        AggGro        LarGro    OTC Emerging Growth A          AggGro        SmlGro    Research Fund A                Growth        LarGro    Utilities Growth & Inc A       Utility       Sector    S&P 500- Stock Index    Average U.S. Stock Fund                                        DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                        JUNE 12)([dagger])                                           WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Pax World Fund                    3     1     1     8     2   PBHG Emerging Growth              2     9    10    10     1    Growth                           1     7    10    10     1    Large Cap 20                     1     1     1    --    -- >  Large Cap Growth                 1     6     1    10     1 >  New Opportunities(**)            1    --    --    --    --    Select Equity                    1     6     4     9     1    Tech & Communications            1     2     9     6    --   Phoenix-Engemann Balanced A       1     1     4     3     3    Capital Growth A                 3     5     5     8     6   Phoenix-Oakhurst Balanced A       4     4     6     7     9    Income & Growth A                6     8     7     6     8   Pilgrim Convertible A             1     1     8     9     4   Pimco Growth A                    1     5     1     8     7    Innovation C                     1     2     2    10     1    Mid Cap Gro Instl                5     7     3     2     7    Stocks Plus Instl                8     3     2     1     6    Target A                         1     4     5     6     5   Pioneer Fund A                    2     2     1     3     7 >  Fund II A                        6    10     9     4     7    Growth Shares A                  9     4     1     1     7    Mid Cap A                        5     8     5     7    10   T. Rowe Price Balanced            5     5     4     4     7    Blue Chip Growth                 5     4     4     2     3    Equity Income                    9     5     6     5     4    Equity Index 500                 4     2     2     2     2    Growth & Income                  8     6     6     4     4    Growth Stock                     3     5     3     4     7    Media & Telecom                  3     2    --    --    --    Mid-Cap Growth                   3     4     5     9     1    New America Growth               9     4     3     5     3    New Era                          5     6     9     5     8    New Horizons(**)                 5     6     8     8     2    Science & Technology             3     2     6     9     2    Small Cap Stock                  7     8     4     5     5 >  Small Cap Value                  9    10     6     3     7    Spectrum Growth                  5     7     9     7     6   ProFunds Ultra OTC Inv            1     1    --    --    --   Provident Counsel Balanced A      1     1     1     6     3   Prudential 20/20 Focus B          7    --    --    --    --    Equity B                        10     7     7     6     8    Equity Income B                  9     9     1     3    10    Jennison Growth A                2     1     1     7    --    Utility B                        5    10     6     4     5   George Putnam Fund of            10     6     5     5     3    Boston A   Putnam Asset Alloc Balanced A     2     8     8     6     1    Asset Alloc Growth A             6     8     9     8     6    Capital Appreciation A(**)       6    10     6     4     1    Convertible Income Gro A         6     8     9     8     8    Equity Income A                  9     5     6     5     3    Growth & Income A                9     4     7     5     3    Growth & Income II A            10     5     8     6     2    Growth Opps A                    5     2     1     2    --    Health Sciences A                4     6     3     5     2    Investors A                      4     4     1     4     3 >  New Century Growth A             1     1    --    --    --    New Opportunities A(**)          3     4     2     9     1    OTC Emerging Growth A            2     5     5    10     1    Research Fund A                  4     2     4     2    --    Utilities Growth & Inc A         9     8     8     4     3    S&P 500- Stock Index    Average U.S. Stock Fund                                        DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                        JUNE 12)([dagger])                                           ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Pax World Fund                    6     2     5     7     7   PBHG Emerging Growth              1    10    10    10     1    Growth                           1     9    10    10     1    Large Cap 20                     1     1     1    --    -- >  Large Cap Growth                 1     5     1     9     1 >  New Opportunities(**)            1    --    --    --    --    Select Equity                    1     8     4    10     1    Tech & Communications            1     1    10     6    --   Phoenix-Engemann Balanced A       4     3     7     5     8    Capital Growth A                 3     4     4     6     6   Phoenix-Oakhurst Balanced A       6     6     8     7    10    Income & Growth A                7     7     8     6    10   Pilgrim Convertible A             2     2     7     7     5   Pimco Growth A                    3     4     1     7     6    Innovation C                     1     1     1    10     1    Mid Cap Gro Instl                3     9     3     4     4    Stocks Plus Instl                6     3     3     1     3    Target A                         1     5     5     9     2   Pioneer Fund A                    5     3     1     2     7 >  Fund II A                        7    10     9     2     7    Growth Shares A                  9     3     1     1     6    Mid Cap A                        2     9     5     9     9   T. Rowe Price Balanced            7     6     7     5     9    Blue Chip Growth                 4     3     3     2     3    Equity Income                    9     5     5     3     5    Equity Index 500                 6     3     2     1     4    Growth & Income                  9     6     6     3     5    Growth Stock                     4     4     2     3     6    Media & Telecom                  2     1    --    --    --    Mid-Cap Growth                   4     3     4     8     1    New America Growth               8     5     3     8     1    New Era                          6     8    10     5     8    New Horizons(**)                 2     8     8    10     1    Science & Technology             1     1     8     9     1    Small Cap Stock                  4     9     5     8     2 >  Small Cap Value                  7    10     6     6     4    Spectrum Growth                  5     6     7     6     5   ProFunds UltraOTC Inv             1     1    --    --    --   Provident Counsel Balanced A      4     4     5     6     8   Prudential 20/20 Focus B          6    --    --    --    --    Equity B                        10     6     5     4     7    Equity Income B                 10     8     2     2    10    Jennison Growth A                3     1     1     6    --    Utility B                        5     7     3     4     9   George Putnam Fund of             9     6     7     5     8    Boston A   Putnam Asset Alloc Balanced A     5     7     9     6     7    Asset Alloc Growth A             5     6     8     6     5    Capital Appreciation A(**)       5     9     4     3     2    Convertible Income Gro A         7     7     8     6     8    Equity Income A                 10     5     6     3     5    Growth & Income A               10     4     7     3     4    Growth & Income II A            10     5     7     4     4    Growth Opps A                    2     1     1     4    --    Health Sciences A                3     8     3     5     2    Investors A                      4     3     1     3     3 >  New Century Growth A             1     1    --    --    --    New Opportunities A(**)          1     4     2    10     1    OTC Emerging Growth A            1     5     5    10     1    Research Fund A                  4     2     3     1    --    Utilities Growth & Inc A         8     4     4     6     8    S&P 500- Stock Index    Average U.S. Stock Fund                                                VOLA-                                    2000       TILITY                                    DOWN     RANK([double   MGR.                                    MKT.       dagger])     SINCE    Pax World Fund                    -7.0%       1          '98   PBHG Emerging Growth             -42.7       10          '99    Growth                          -46.0       10          '85    Large Cap 20                    -34.8       10          '97 >  Large Cap Growth                -34.3        9          '95 >  New Opportunities(**)           -52.9       10          '00    Select Equity                   -53.7       10          '00    Tech & Communications           -54.6       10          '98   Phoenix-Engemann Balanced A       -5.1        2          '87    Capital Growth A                -16.5        6          '94   Phoenix-Oakhurst Balanced A        0.1        2          '94    Income & Growth A                -1.0        1          '97   Pilgrim Convertible A            -24.7        5          '94   Pimco Growth A                   -21.8        6          '90    Innovation C                    -45.0       10          '94    Mid Cap Gro Instl               -15.9        8          '96    Stocks Plus Instl                -1.7        5          '98    Target A                        -34.0       10          '92   Pioneer Fund A                     5.4        4          '88 >  Fund II A                         2.1        6          '98    Growth Shares A                   0.9        6          '96    Mid Cap A                       -27.4        9          '96   T. Rowe Price Balanced             0.3        1          '91    Blue Chip Growth                 -4.6        5          '93    Equity Income                    16.7        3          '85    Equity Index 500                 -1.4        4          '90    Growth & Income                   9.6        3          '87    Growth Stock                     -7.2        4          '97    Media & Telecom                 -30.3        9          '00    Mid-Cap Growth                   -8.3        7          '92    New America Growth               -6.0        8          '00    New Era                          16.3        8          '97    New Horizons(**)                -25.3        9          '87    Science & Technology            -34.3       10          '91    Small Cap Stock                  -8.9        6          '92 >  Small Cap Value                  -1.0        3          '91    Spectrum Growth                  -7.3        3          '90   ProFunds UltraOTC Inv            -61.6       10          '97   Provident Counsel Balanced A     -14.4        4          '92   Prudential 20/20 Focus B          -6.1        7          '98    Equity B                         14.6        5          '90    Equity Income B                  14.8        8          '87    Jennison Growth A                16.8        8          '99    Utility B                         8.4        2          '94   George Putnam Fund of              7.5        1          '93    Boston A   Putnam Asset Alloc Balanced A     -5.4        2          '94    Asset Alloc Growth A             -9.8        3          '99    Capital Appreciation A(**)      -22.9        7          '93    Convertible Income Gro A         16.1        2          '92    Equity Income A                  12.3        3          '92    Growth & Income A                11.7        4          '93    Growth & Income II A              8.4        4          '00    Growth Opps A                   -20.3        8          '96    Health Sciences A                -5.1        5          '97    Investors A                     -11.3        7          '95 >  New Century Growth A            -41.5       10          '98    New Opportunities A(**)         -31.5        9          '90    OTC Emerging Growth A           -57.9       10          '96    Research Fund A                  -1.9        5          '95    Utilities Growth & Inc A          2.9        2          '98    S&P 500- Stock Index             -1.4%       5    Average U.S. Stock Fund          -7.0        6                                          MIN.     MAX.       EXPENSE                                         INVEST   LOAD       RATIO    Pax World Fund                         $ 250   none       0.89%(*)   PBHG Emerging Growth                   2,500   none       1.34    Growth                                2,500   none       1.32    Large Cap 20                          2,500   none       1.27 >  Large Cap Growth                      2,500   none       1.25 >  New Opportunities(**)                    --   none       1.59    Select Equity                         2,500   none       1.34    Tech & Communications                 2,500   none       1.34   Phoenix-Engemann Balanced A              500   5.75%      1.56(*)    Capital Growth A                        500   5.75       1.07(*)   Phoenix-Oakhurst Balanced A              500   5.75       0.97(*)    Income & Growth A                       500   5.75       1.17(*)   Pilgrim Convertible A                  1,000   5.75       1.33(*)   Pimco Growth A                         2,500   5.50       1.15(*)    Innovation C                          2,500   1.00(r)    2.05(*)    Mid Cap Gro Instl              ([sections])   none       0.70    Stocks Plus Instl              ([sections])   none       0.65    Target A                              2,500   5.50       1.20(*)   Pioneer Fund A                            50   5.75       1.10(*) >  Fund II A                                50   5.75       0.96(*)    Growth Shares A                       1,000   5.75       1.02(*)    Mid Cap A                             1,000   5.75       0.88(*)   T. Rowe Price Balanced                 2,500   none       0.79    Blue Chip Growth                      2,500   none       0.91    Equity Income                         2,500   none       0.77    Equity Index 500                      2,500   none       0.40    Growth & Income                       2,500   none       0.77    Growth Stock                          2,500   none       0.74    Media & Telecom                       2,500   none       0.93    Mid-Cap Growth                        2,500   none       0.87    New America Growth                    2,500   none       0.94    New Era                               2,500   none       0.74    New Horizons(**)                         --   none       0.90    Science & Technology                  2,500   none       0.87    Small Cap Stock                       2,500   none       0.96 >  Small Cap Value                       2,500   1.00(r)    0.84    Spectrum Growth                       2,500   none       0.00   ProFunds UltraOTC Inv                 15,000   none       1.31   Provident Counsel Balanced A           2,000   5.75       1.05(*)   Prudential 20/20 Focus B               1,000   5.00       1.07(*)    Equity B                              1,000   5.00(r)    0.61(*)    Equity Income B                       1,000   5.00(r)    1.77(*)    Jennison Growth A                     1,000   5.00       0.80(*)    Utility B                             1,000   5.00       1.53(*)   George Putnam Fund of                    500   5.75       0.93(*)    Boston A   Putnam Asset Alloc Balanced A            500   5.75       1.14(*)    Asset Alloc Growth A                    500   5.75       1.21(*)    Capital Appreciation A(**)               --   5.75       0.93(*)    Convertible Income Gro A                500   5.75       0.98(*)    Equity Income A                         500   5.75       0.94(*)    Growth & Income A                       500   5.75       0.79(*)    Growth & Income II A                    500   5.75       0.90(*)    Growth Opps A                           500   5.75       1.01(*)    Health Sciences A                       500   5.75       0.95(*)    Investors A                             500   5.75       0.89(*) >  New Century Growth A                    500   5.75       1.00(*)    New Opportunities A(**)                  --   5.75       0.93(*)    OTC Emerging Growth A                   500   5.75       0.98(*)    Research Fund A                         500   5.75       1.08(*)    Utilities Growth & Inc A                500   5.75       1.00(*)    S&P 500- Stock Index    Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(**) Closed to new investors.

([sections]) Available through various discount brokerages, financial planners or bank trust departments; minimum investments and loads may vary.

(r) Maximum redemption fee.

(*) May include a 12-1 fee.

                                         ANNUALIZED                                        TOTAL RETURN                                    1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    Putnam Vista A                   62.9%    33.1%    31.5%    Voyager A                       44.2     31.1     28.1    Voyager II A                    57.9     35.1     29.6   Quant Growth & Inc Ordinary      45.3     28.2     27.5   Ranier Balanced                  14.3     15.7     17.6   RS Emerging Gro A(**)           108.3     62.3     42.9   Rydex Electronics               158.5     --       -- >  OTC                             74.0     57.5     50.4   Safeco Equity                    -1.2     13.0     18.6   Santa Barbara Bender Gro A      151.4     --       --   Schwab 1000 Inv                  13.2     20.8     24.0    S&P 500 Inv                     11.4     20.3     --    Small Cap Index Inv             22.9     12.7     15.6   Scudder Growth & Income          -2.1      9.0     16.1    Large Co Growth                 31.7     26.9     27.0    Large Co Value                  -3.2     10.2     16.9   Selected American Shares         18.4     21.8     26.3   Seligman Capital A               78.1     35.0     31.0    Communications & Info A         77.2     41.5     29.9    Global Tech A                  101.9     45.8     34.6    Growth A                        31.7     25.8     25.6   Sentinel Common Stock A           0.8     10.5     16.9   Sequoia(**)                     -11.2     11.6     20.6   Sit Balanced                     20.4     17.9     18.8    Large Cap Growth                33.7     26.6     27.7   Smith Barney Aggressive Gro A    64.6     41.7     31.8    Appreciation A                   7.8     15.8     19.0    Fundamental Value A             28.0     22.6     21.9    Large Cap Growth A              26.6     --       --    Large Cap Value A               -6.1      8.6     15.1    Premium Total Return B           9.8     10.0     14.6    Security & Growth A(**)         44.4     16.7     13.7   Smith Barney Concert Growth      29.7     25.3     25.3    1 (PFS)    Growth & Income 1 (PFS)          6.1     14.1     18.5   Spectra Fund                     44.0     38.2     33.6   SSgA S&P 500 Index               11.8     20.6     24.4   State Street Research Invest     17.8     21.5     24.1    Trust A   SteinRoe Growth Stock(**)        38.1     28.5     29.2    Young Investor                  18.0     20.7     26.6   STI Classic Capital Growth        8.3     17.7     21.5     Inv >  Value Income Stock Inv         -13.0      5.9     13.6   Strong Blue Chip Lea0 Inv         34.4     --       --    Common Stock(**)                27.4     19.5     22.1    Enterprise Inv                 114.3     --       --    Growth                          71.1     38.7     33.3    Growth & Income Inv             24.5     26.9     --    Large Cap Growth                42.2     33.3     27.6    Life Stage Moderate             25.4     --       --    Opportunity Inv                 25.3     24.0     22.7    Schafer Value                   -7.1     -3.0      8.1    Small Cap Value                 35.5     --       --    Value                            3.0     11.9     -- > TCW Galileo Agg Gro I            81.4     66.4     --    Select Equity N                 45.4     34.6     29.3   Third Avenue Value(**)           29.1     14.5     18.5   Thompson Plumb Balanced          17.0     15.9     18.2   Torray Fund                       4.9     17.5     24.4   Transamerica Premier Balanced    22.3     21.9     --   Turner Micro Cap Growth(**)     152.5     --       --    Mid Cap Growth(**)              89.9     58.7     --   S&P 500-Stock Index              11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund          22.6     19.1     20.1                                                  INVEST.                                    CATEGORY      STYLE    Putnam Vista A                  AggGro        MidGro    Voyager A                      AggGro        LarGro    Voyager II A                   AggGro        MidGro   Quant Growth & Inc Ordinary     Gro-Inc       LarGro   Ranier Balanced                 Balanced      Flex   RS Emerging Gro A(**)           AggGro        SmlGro   Rydex Electronics               Sector        Sector >  OTC                            AggGro        LarGro   Safeco Equity                   Gro-Inc       Largro   Santa Barbara Bender Gro A      AggGro        LarBlnd   Schwab 1000 Inv                 Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    S&P 500 Inv                    Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Small Cap Index Inv            AggGro        SmlGro   Scudder Growth & Income         Gro-Inc       LarVal    Large Co Growth                Growth        LarGro    Large Co Value                 Growth        LarVal   Selected American Shares        Gro-Inc       LarVal   Seligman Capital A              AggGro        MidGro    Communications & Info A        Sector        Sector    Global Tech A                  Sector        Sector    Growth A                       Growth        LarGro   Sentinel Common Stock A         Gro-Inc       LarVal   Sequoia(**)                     Growth        LarVal   Sit Balanced                    Balanced      Flex    Large Cap Growth               Gro-Inc       LarGro   Smith Barney Aggressive Gro A   AggGro        LarGro    Appreciation A                 Growth        LarBlnd    Fundamental Value A            Growth        LarVal    Large Cap Growth A             Growth        LarGro    Large Cap Value A              Gro-Inc       LarVal    Premium Total Return B         Gro-Inc       Larval    Security & Growth A(**)        Gro-Inc       special   Smith Barney Concert Growth     Growth        LarGro    1 (PFS)    Growth & Income 1 (PFS)        Gro-Inc       Flex   Spectra Fund                    AggGro        LarGro   SSgA S&P 500 Index              Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   State Street Research Invest    Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Trust A   SteinRoe Growth Stock(**)       Growth        LarGro    Young Investor                 Growth        LarGro   STI Classic Capital Growth      Growth        LarBlnd     Inv >  Value Income Stock Inv         Gro-Inc       LarVal   Strong Blue Chip 100 Inv        Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Common Stock(**)               AggGro        SmlVal    Enterprise Inv                 AggGro        MidGro    Growth                         AggGro        AllCap    Growth & Income Inv            Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    Large Cap Growth               Gro-Inc       LarGro    Life Stage Moderate            Balanced      Flex    Opportunity Inv                Growth        MidBlnd    Schafer Value                  Gro-Inc       MidVal    Small Cap Value                AggGro        SmlVal    Value                          Growth        LarBlnd > TCW Galileo Agg Gro I           AggGro        MidGro    Select Equity N                Growth        LarGro   Third Avenue Value(**)          AggGro        SmlVal   Thompson Plumb Balanced         Balanced      Flex   Torray Fund                     Growth        LarVal   Transamerica Premier Balanced   Balanced      Flex   Turner Micro Cap Growth(**)     AggGro        SmlBlnd    Mid Cap Growth(**)             AggGro        MidGro   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                        DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                        JUNE 12)([dagger])                                           WITHIN CATEGORY                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Putnam Vista A                    3     4     4     5     3    Voyager A                        5     3     2     6     4    Voyager II A                     3     3     2     8     3   Quant Growth & Inc Ordinary       1     6     2     1     8   Ranier Balanced                   2     4     2     4     2   RS Emerging Gro A(**)             1     1     2     8     5   Rydex Electronics                 1     1    --    --    -- >  OTC                              2     1     3     1     4   Safeco Equity                     8     3     6     2     5   Santa Barbara Bender Gro A        1    --    --    --    --   Schwab 1000 Inv                   3     3     2     3     2    S&P 500 Inv                      4     2     2     2    --    Small Cap Index Inv              7     7     7     6     6   Scudder Growth & Income           8     9     4     3     4    Large Co Growth                  2     4     3     4     4    Large Co Value                   9     8     5     2     7   Selected American Shares          2     3     3     1     4   Seligman Capital A                2     5     4     7     3    Communications & Info A          2     3     5     5    10    Global Tech A                    2     3     6     6     7    Growth A                         2     3     6     8     2   Sentinel Common Stock A           8     7     5     4     3   Sequoia(**)                      10     9     1     1     2   Sit Balanced                      1     4     2     3     3    Large Cap Growth                 1     5     1     3     1   Smith Barney Aggressive Gro A     3     1     6     4     9    Appreciation A                   8     5     7     4     9    Fundamental Value A              3     1    10     8     8    Large Cap Growth A               3     1    --    --    --    Large Cap Value A                9     6     5     5     5    Premium Total Return B           5     9     8     6     8    Security & Growth A(**)          1    10    10    10     9   Smith Barney Concert Growth       2     3     5     5     6    1 (PFS)    Growth & Income 1 (PFS)          6     5     6     6     4   Spectra Fund                      5     1     3     4     4   SSgA S&P 500 Index                3     2     2     2     2   State Street Research Invest      2     3     2     4     3    Trust A   SteinRoe Growth Stock(**)         1     4     4     4     2    Young Investor                   5     6     3     8     1   STI Classic Capital Growth        7     4     4     4     4     Inv >  Value Income Stock Inv          10     5     7     6     3   Strong Blue Chip 100 Inv          1     1    --    --    --    Common Stock(**)                 6     4     8     2     7    Enterprise Inv                   1    --    --    --    --    Growth                           2     2     4     8     2    Growth & Income Inv              1     1     1     3    --    Large Cap Growth                 1     1     3     9     5    Life Stage Moderate              1    --    --    --    --    Opportunity Inv                  3     4     5     8     8    Schafer Value                    9    10     9     3     5    Small Cap Value                  6     7    --    --    --    Value                            9     8     6     9    -- > TCW Galileo Agg Gro I             2     1     1    10    --    Select Equity N                  1     1     6     8     5   Third Avenue Value(**)            6     6     9     1     9   Thompson Plumb Balanced           2     5     2     1     7   Torray Fund                       8     6     1     1     1   Transamerica Premier Balanced     1     2     1     1    --   Turner Micro Cap Growth(**)       1     1    --    --    --    Mid Cap Growth(**)               1     1     1    --    --   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                        DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                        JUNE 12)([dagger])                                           ALL STOCK FUNDS                                    '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    Putnam Vista A                    1     4     4     8     1    Voyager A                        2     3     2     9     1    Voyager II A                     2     3     2    10     1   Quant Growth & Inc Ordinary       2     5     2     1     8   Ranier Balanced                   5     6     6     6     8   RS Emerging Gro A(**)             1     1     2     9     2   Rydex Electronics                 1     1    --    --    -- >  OTC                              1     1     3     1     2   Safeco Equity                     9     3     6     2     6   Santa Barbara Bender Gro A        1    --    --    --    --   Schwab 1000 Inv                   5     3     2     2     4    S&P 500 Inv                      6     3     2     1    --    Small Cap Index Inv              4     9     7     8     3   Scudder Growth & Income           9     7     4     2     5    Large Co Growth                  3     3     2     3     4    Large Co Value                   9     6     4     2     6   Selected American Shares          5     3     3     1     5   Seligman Capital A                1     6     4     9     1    Communications & Info A          1     1     7     5    10    Global Tech A                    1     1     8     6     8    Growth A                         3     3     4     6     3   Sentinel Common Stock A           8     6     5     3     5   Sequoia(**)                      10     7     1     1     2   Sit Balanced                      4     5     6     5     8    Large Cap Growth                 3     5     1     2     3   Smith Barney Aggressive Gro A     1     1     6     7     8    Appreciation A                   7     4     5     3     7    Fundamental Value A              3     2     9     6     7    Large Cap Growth A               3     1    --    --    --    Large Cap Value A               10     6     5     4     5    Premium Total Return B           7     8     7     4     8    Security & Growth A(**)          2     8    10     9     9   Smith Barney Concert Growth       3     3     4     4     5    1 (PFS)    Growth & Income 1 (PFS)          7     5     5     4     5   Spectra Fund                      2     1     3     8     2   SSgA S&P 500 Index                6     3     2     1     4   State Street Research Invest      5     3     3     3     4    Trust A   SteinRoe Growth Stock(**)         3     3     3     3     2    Young Investor                   5     4     2     6     1   STI Classic Capital Growth        7     3     3     3     4     Inv >  Value Income Stock Inv          10     5     6     4     4   Strong Blue Chip 100 Inv          3     1    --    --    --    Common Stock(**)                 3     4     8     4     4    Enterprise Inv                   1    --    --    --    --    Growth                           1     2     5     9     1    Growth & Income Inv              4     2     2     2    --    Large Cap Growth                 2           3     7     6    Life Stage Moderate              4    --    --    --    --    Opportunity Inv                  4     3     3     6     7    Schafer Value                   10    10     8     2     6    Small Cap Value                  3     9    --    --    --    Value                            8     6     5     7    -- > TCW Galileo Agg Gro I             1     1     1    10    --    Select Equity N                  2     1     4     7     5   Third Avenue Value(**)            3     8     9     2     7   Thompson Plumb Balanced           5     6     6     3     9   Torray Fund                       8     5     1     1     2   Transamerica Premier Balanced     4     4     3     1    --   Turner Micro Cap Growth(**)       1     1    --    --    --    Mid Cap Growth(**)               1     1     1    --    --   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                                 VOLA-                                    2000        TILITY                                    DOWN     RANK([double   MGR.                                    MKT.       dagger])     SINCE    Putnam Vista A                    27.7%       9          '94    Voyager A                       -23.0        8          '95    Voyager II A                    -38.4        9          '93   Quant Growth & Inc Ordinary      -15.6        7          '93   Ranier Balanced                   -5.0        2          '94   RS Emerging Gro A(**)            -49.5       10          '96   Rydex Electronics                -27.7       10          '98 >  OTC                             -34.1       10          '97   Safeco Equity                      3.5        4          '95   Santa Barbara Bender Gro A        29.8       10          '98   Schwab 1000 Inv                   -4.4        4          '95    S&P 500 Inv                      -1.4        4          '95    Small Cap Index Inv             -17.1        8          '95   Scudder Growth & Income            1.4        3          '91    Large Co Growth                 -10.2        6          '95    Large Co Value                   11.1        5          '95   Selected American Shares           2.3        6          '97   Seligman Capital A               -22.1        9          '98    Communications & Info A         -25.5        9          '89    Global Tech A                   -28.5        9          '94    Growth A                        -12.2        5          '98   Sentinel Common Stock A           12.2        4          '94   Sequoia(**)                       25.9        8          '70   Sit Balanced                      -5.1        2          '93    Large Cap Growth                 -9.4        7          '81   Smith Barney Aggressive Gro A    -21.0        9          '83    Appreciation A                    4.5        2          '79    Fundamental Value A               5.0        3          '90    Large Cap Growth A                4.3        8          '97    Large Cap Value A                10.6        4          '98    Premium Total Return B            2.5        1          '95    Security & Growth A(**)           5.8        3          '95   Smith Barney Concert Growth       -5.2        6          '98    1 (PFS)    Growth & Income 1 (PFS)          -0.9        4          '97   Spectra Fund                     -37.6        9          '71   SSgA S&P 500 Index                -1.3        4          '95   State Street Research Invest      -3.4        4          '96    Trust A   SteinRoe Growth Stock(**)        -19.2        7          '94    Young Investor                  -25.3        7          '97   STI Classic Capital Growth         4.7        4          '92     Inv >  Value Income Stock Inv           18.1        6          '93   Strong Blue Chip 100 Inv         -14.7        7          '97    Common Stock(**)                 -6.3        6          '91    Enterprise Inv                  -45.9       10          '98    Growth                          -31.6       10          '93    Growth & Income Inv             -12.9        5          '95    Large Cap Growth                -25.5        9          '93    Life Stage Moderate             -10.3        2          '98    Opportunity Inv                   4.3        5          '91    Schafer Value                    14.9        7          '85    Small Cap Value                  -4.0        8          '97    Value                             1.3        2          '00 > TCW Galileo Agg Gro I            -40.8       10          '96    Select Equity N                  -5.7        7          '98   Third Avenue Value(**)            -3.7        3          '90   Thompson Plumb Balanced            2.6        2          '87   Torray Fund                        6.7        7          '90   Transamerica Premier Balanced     -7.0        3          '95   Turner Micro Cap Growth(**)      -29.1       10          '98    Mid Cap Growth(**)              -40.8       10          '96   S&P 500-Stock Index               -1.4%       5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0        6                                          MIN.     MAX.       EXPENSE                                         INVEST   LOAD       RATIO    Putnam Vista A                         $ 500   5.75%      0.94%(*)    Voyager A                               500   5.75       0.90(*)    Voyager II A                            500   5.75       1.03(*)   Quant Growth & Inc Ordinary            2,500   1.00(r)    1.62(*)   Ranier Balanced                       25,000   none       1.19(*)   RS Emerging Gro A(**)                     --   none       1.51(*)   Rydex Electronics                     25,000   none       1.56 >  OTC                                  25,000   none       1.15   Safeco Equity                          1,000   none       0.83   Santa Barbara Bender Gro A             2,500   5.75       1.85(*)   Schwab 1000 Inv                        1,000   0.50(r)    0.46    S&P 500 Inv                           1,000   none       0.35    Small Cap Index Inv                   1,000   0.50(r)    0.49   Scudder Growth & Income                2,500   none       0.80    Large Co Growth                       2,500   none       1.23    Large Co Value                        2,500   none       0.87   Selected American Shares               1,000   none       0.93(*)   Seligman Capital A                     1,000   4.75       1.02(*)    Communications & Info A               2,500   4.75       1.39(*)    Global Tech A                         1,000   4.75       1.59(*)    Growth A                              1,000   4.75       1.16(*)   Sentinel Common Stock A                1,000   5.00       1.00(*)   Sequoia(**)                               --   none       1.00   Sit Balanced                           2,000   none       1.00    Large Cap Growth                      2,000   none       1.00   Smith Barney Aggressive Gro A          1,000   5.00       1.18(*)    Appreciation A                        1,000   5.00       0.95(*)    Fundamental Value A                   1,000   5.00       1.17(*)    Large Cap Growth A                    1,000   5.00       1.15(*)    Large Cap Value A                     1,000   5.00       0.90(*)    Premium Total Return B                1,000   5.00(r)    1.61(*)    Security & Growth A(**)                  --   4.00       0.94   Smith Barney Concert Growth              250   8.50       0.76    1 (PFS)    Growth & Income 1 (PFS)                 250   8.50       0.84   Spectra Fund                           1,000   none       1.85   SSgA S&P 500 Index                     1,000   none       0.18(*)   State Street Research Invest           2,500   5.75       0.78(*)    Trust A   SteinRoe Growth Stock(**)                 --   none       0.97    Young Investor                        2,500   none       1.18   STI Classic Capital Growth             2,000   3.75       1.82(*)     Inv >  Value Income Stock Inv                2,000   3.75       1.28(*)   Strong Blue Chip 100 Inv               2,500   none       1.20    Common Stock(**)                         --   none       1.20    Enterprise Inv                        2,500   none       1.40    Growth                                2,500   none       0.20    Growth & Income Inv                   2,500   none       1.10    Large Cap Growth                      2,500   none       1.00    Life Stage Moderate                   2,500   none       0.00    Opportunity Inv                       2,500   none       1.20    Schafer Value                         2,500   none       1.40    Small Cap Value                       2,500   none       1.70    Value                                 2,500   none       1.40 > TCW Galileo Agg Gro I           ([sections])   none       1.14    Select Equity N                       2,000   none       1.46   Third Avenue Value(**)                    --   none       1.10   Thompson Plumb Balanced                1,000   none       1.25   Torray Fund                           10,000   none       1.07   Transamerica Premier Balanced          1,000   none       1.31(*)   Turner Micro Cap Growth(**)               --   none       0.90    Mid Cap Growth(**)                       --   none       1.03   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(**) Closed to new investors.

([sections]) Available through various discount brokerages, financial planners or bank trust departments; minimum investments and loads may vary.

(r) Maximum redemption fee.

(*) May include a 12-1 fee.

                                             ANNUALIZED                                            TOTAL RETURN                                         1 YR.    3 YR.    5 YR.    United Accumulative A                26.9%    23.0%    24.0%     (Waddell)    Income A (Waddell)                  24.9     20.5     22.5    New Concepts A (Waddell)            39.4     34.2     26.2    Retirement Shares A                 50.4     23.5     20.5      (Waddell)    Science & Tech A (Waddell)          71.6     50.5     36.3    Vanguard A (Waddell)                58.6     32.2     25.9   USAA Aggressive Growth               71.4     37.8     32.7    Growth                              15.4     15.3     17.8    Growth & Income                      5.1     11.7     17.8    Income Stock                        -1.2     10.7     14.3    S&P 500 Index                       11.6     20.5     --   Value Line Leveraged Growth          23.4     27.7     27.1   Van Kampen Agg Gro A(**)             94.2     56.6     --    Comstock A                          -1.1     15.5     19.4    Emerging Gro A                      95.0     51.1     40.2    Enterprise A                        28.8     22.9     24.8    Equity Income A                     14.1     15.5     18.3    Growth & Income A                   13.0     16.5     19.9    Pace A                               7.0     16.2     20.1    Series American Value A             12.4     18.3     20.1   Van Wagoner Emerging                111.8     56.3     --     Growth(**)    Post Venture                        71.2     59.9     --   Vanguard 500 Index                   11.9     20.7     24.6    Asset Allocation                     8.8     16.4     18.9    Balanced index                      10.4     14.6     16.5    Capital Opportunity(**)            108.2     47.8     --    Equity Income                       -4.8     11.4     17.0    Explorer                            44.2     20.8     19.2    Extended Market Index Inv           25.1     19.6     20.9    Growth & Income                     14.6     21.7     24.8    Growth Index Inv                    20.7     26.9     29.4    Health Care                         25.9     27.0     29.5    LifeStrategy Conservative      Gro                                8.3     11.6     12.9    LifeStrategy Growth                 12.6     16.3     18.3    LifeStrategy Moderate Gro           10.4     14.0     15.7    Morgan Growth                       26.7     25.6     26.3    Primecap(**)                        48.1     34.1     31.1    Small Cap Index Inv                 20.9     12.9     16.3    Star                                 6.0     12.0     15.1    Tax Managed Cap Apprec              23.3     24.8     25.6    Tax Managed Growth & Income         11.9     20.8     24.7    Total Stock Market Index Inv        14.3     20.1     23.1    US Growth                           22.9     23.7     26.7    Value Index Inv                      2.5     14.0     19.3    Wellesley Income                    -0.1      8.1     10.4    Wellington                          -0.4      9.7     14.4    Windsor                             -0.8      7.5     14.7    Windsor II                         -11.0      9.9     17.4   Victory Diversified Stock A           9.2     19.5     23.2   Warburg Pincus Cap Apprec Cmn        45.5     31.0     30.7    Emerging Growth Cmn                 44.1     21.1     21.2    Global Telecomm                     89.5     68.7     --   Weitz Value                           6.2     23.8     25.6   Wells Fargo Asset     Allocation A                       10.9     17.8     17.1    Diversified Equity A                14.3     18.4     --    Equity Income A                     -4.4     12.2     --   Westcore Growth & Income             47.0     23.3     24.1   Whitehall Growth                     62.1     36.7     32.7    Growth & Income                     34.2     15.6     15.8 > WM Growth A                          60.5     50.2     36.7   S&P 500-Stock Index                  11.9%    20.8%    24.6%   Average U.S. Stock Fund              22.6     19.1     20.1                                                       INVEST.                                        CATEGORY      STYLE    United Accumulative A                Growth        LarGro     (Waddell)    Income A (Waddell)                  Gro-Inc       LarBlnd    New Concepts A (Waddell)            AggGro        MidGro    Retirement Shares A                 Balanced      Flex      (Waddell)    Science & Tech A (Waddell)          Sector        Sector    Vanguard A (Waddell)                Growth        LarGro   USAA Aggressive Growth               AggGro        SmlGro    Growth                              Growth        LarGro    Growth & Income                     Gro-Inc       LarVal    Income Stock                        Gro-Inc       LarVal    S&P 500 Index                       Gro-Inc       LarBlnd   Value Line Leveraged Growth          AggGro        LarGro   Van Kampen Agg Gro A(**)             AggGro        SmlGro    Comstock A                          Gro-Inc       LarVal    Emerging Gro A                      AggGro        MidGro    Enterprise A                        Growth        LarGro    Equity Income A                     Gro-Inc       LarVal    Growth & Income A                   Gro-Inc       LarVal    Pace A                              Growth        Larblnd    Series American Value A             AggGro        SmlVal   Van Wagoner Emerging                 AggGro        AllCap     Growth(**)    Post Venture                        AggGro        SmlBlnd   Vanguard 500 Index                   Gro-Inc       Larblnd    Asset Allocation                    Gro-Inc       Flex    Balanced index                      Balanced      Flex    Capital Opportunity(**)             AggGro        Smlblnd    Equity Income                       Gro-Inc       LarVal    Explorer                            AggGro        SmlGro    Extended Market Index Inv           Growth        SmlGro    Growth & Income                     Gro-Inc       Larblnd    Growth Index Inv                    Growth        LarGro    Health Care                         Sector        Sector    LifeStrategy Conservative      Gro                               Gro-Inc       Flex    LifeStrategy Growth                 Growth        --    LifeStrategy Moderate Gro           Balanced      Flex    Morgan Growth                       Growth        LarGro    Primecap(**)                        AggGro        MidGro    Small Cap Index Inv                 AggGro        Smlblnd    Star                                Balanced      Flex    Tax Managed Cap Apprec              Growth        Larblnd    Tax Managed Growth & Income         Gro-Inc       Larblnd    Total Stock Market Index Inv        Gro-Inc       Larblnd    US Growth                           Growth        LarGro    Value Index Inv                     Gro-Inc       LarVal    Wellesley Income                    Gro-Inc       Flex    Wellington                          Balanced      Flex    Windsor                             Gro-Inc       LarVal    Windsor II                          Gro-Inc       LarVal   Victory Diversified Stock A          Gro-Inc       Larblnd   Warburg Pincus Cap Apprec Cmn        Growth        LarGro    Emerging Growth Cmn                 AggGro        SmlGro    Global Telecomm                     Sector        Sector   Weitz Value                          Growth        LarVal   Wells Fargo Asset     Allocation A                       Gro-Inc       Flex    Diversified Equity A                Growth        Larblnd    Equity Income A                     Gro-Inc       LarVal   Westcore Growth & Income             Gro-Inc       Larblnd   Whitehall Growth                     Growth        LarGro    Growth & Income                     Balanced      Flex > WM Growth A                          AggGro        LarGro   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                         DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                         JUNE 12)([dagger])                                            WITHIN CATEGORY                                      '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    United Accumulative A               3     5     5     5     5     (Waddell)    Income A (Waddell)                 1     7     3     4     6    New Concepts A (Waddell)           5     2     1     9     5    Retirement Shares A                1     5     8     9     5      (Waddell)    Science & Tech A (Waddell)         2     2     3    10     1    Vanguard A (Waddell)               1     3     8     9    10   USAA Aggressive Growth              2     2     7     9     1    Growth                             6     2    10     8     7    Growth & Income                    6     7     7     3     4    Income Stock                       8     7     5     8     8    S&P 500 Index                      4     2     2     1    --   Value Line Leveraged Growth         7     2     2     4     4   Van Kampen Agg Gro A(**)            1     1     1     8    --    Comstock A                         8     2     2     7     3    Emerging Gro A                     1     2     2     7     2    Enterprise A                       3     7     4     5     3    Equity Income A                    3     7     6     7     7    Growth & Income A                  3     6     5     6     5    Pace A                             8     7     3     4     6    Series American Value A            8     4     2     1    10   Van Wagoner Emerging                1     1    10    10    --     Growth(**)    Post Venture                       2     1     9    --    --   Vanguard 500 Index                  3     2     1     1     2    Asset Allocation                   5     5     3     6     8    Balanced index                     4     3     3     5     3    Capital Opportunity(**)            1     1    10     9    --    Equity Income                      9     5     3     5     4    Explorer                           5     5     9     8     5    Extended Market Index Inv          3     8     6     9     2    Growth & Income                    2     3     1     2     2    Growth Index Inv                   5     1     2     1     3    Health Care                        4     3     3     4     2    LifeStrategy Conservative      Gro                              5     6     9     9    10    LifeStrategy Growth                6     6     7     7     9    LifeStrategy Moderate Gro          4     3     4     5     5    Morgan Growth                      3     4     2     6     3    Primecap(**)                       4     2     4     1     8    Small Cap Index Inv                7     7     7     5     6    Star                               6     4     3     4     3    Tax Managed Cap Apprec             4     2     5     5     4    Tax Managed Growth & Income        3     2     1     1     1    Total Stock Market Index Inv       3     3     3     5     1    US Growth                          4     4     3     3     2    Value Index Inv                    7     5     4     4     3    Wellesley Income                   8     9     8     9    10    Wellington                         9     5     3     1     3    Windsor                            8     8     9     1     8    Windsor II                        10     6     1     3     1   Victory Diversified Stock A         5     1     4     3     3   Warburg Pincus Cap Apprec Cmn       1     4     3     4     2    Emerging Growth Cmn                5     7     5     8     3    Global Telecomm                    2     1     1    --    --   Weitz Value                         8     1     1     4     3   Wells Fargo Asset     Allocation A                      4     3     4     9    10    Diversified Equity A               6     5     6     6    --    Equity Income A                    9     4     3     7    --   Westcore Growth & Income            1     7     9     7     3   Whitehall Growth                    1     2     6     6     3    Growth & Income                    1     2    10     8     6 > WM Growth A                         3     1     3     7     5   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                         DECILE RANK (YEAR TO                                         JUNE 12)([dagger])                                            ALL STOCK FUNDS                                      '00   '99   '98   '97   '96    United Accumulative A               3     4     3     4     5     (Waddell)    Income A (Waddell)                 4     6     3     3     7    New Concepts A (Waddell)           2     1     1    10     2    Retirement Shares A                2     6     9     7     9      (Waddell)    Science & Tech A (Waddell)         1     1     2    10     1    Vanguard A (Waddell)               2     2     7     7     9   USAA Aggressive Growth              1     1     8    10     1    Growth                             5     2    10     6     6    Growth & Income                    8     6     6     2     5    Income Stock                       9     6     5     6     8    S&P 500 Index                      6     3     2     1    --   Value Line Leveraged Growth         4     2     1     7     2   Van Kampen Agg Gro A(**)            1     1     1    10    --    Comstock A                         9     3     2     4     4    Emerging Gro A                     1     1     2     9     1    Enterprise A                       3     5     3     4     3    Equity Income A                    5     6     5     4     7    Growth & Income A                  6     5     5     4     6    Pace A                             7     5     2     3     5    Series American Value A            6     5     2     3     9   Van Wagoner Emerging                1     1    10    10    --     Growth(**)    Post Venture                       1     1    10    --    --   Vanguard 500 Index                  6     3     2     1     4    Asset Allocation                   7     5     3     4     8    Balanced index                     6     5     6     6     8    Capital Opportunity(**)            1     1    10    10    --    Equity Income                      9     5     3     3     5    Explorer                           2     6     9    10     2    Extended Market Index Inv          4     6     4     8     3    Growth & Income                    5     4     1     2     4    Growth Index Inv                   4     2     1     1     3    Health Care                        4     2     2     3     2    LifeStrategy Conservative      Gro                              7     6     8     7    10    LifeStrategy Growth                6     4     6     5     7    LifeStrategy Moderate Gro          6     5     7     6     9    Morgan Growth                      3     3     1     5     3    Primecap(**)                       2     1     4     2     6    Small Cap Index Inv                4     9     7     8     3    Star                               7     6     7     6     8    Tax Managed Cap Apprec             4     2     3     4     4    Tax Managed Growth & Income        6     3     2     1     4    Total Stock Market Index Inv       5     3     3     3     3    US Growth                          4     3     2     2     2    Value Index Inv                    8     5     4     2     4    Wellesley Income                   9     7     7     6    10    Wellington                         9     6     6     4     8    Windsor                            9     7     8     1     8    Windsor II                        10     5     1     2     3   Victory Diversified Stock A         7     2     4     2     4   Warburg Pincus Cap Apprec Cmn       2     3     2     3     2    Emerging Growth Cmn                2     8     5     9     1    Global Telecomm                    1     1     1    --    --   Weitz Value                         7     2     1     3     3   Wells Fargo Asset     Allocation A                      6     4     4     6    10    Diversified Equity A               5     4     4     4    --    Equity Income A                    9     4     3     4    --   Westcore Growth & Income            2     6     8     4     4   Whitehall Growth                    2     2     4     4     3    Growth & Income                    3     5    10     7     9 > WM Growth A                         2     1     3     9     2   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund                                                    VOLA-                                     2000         TILITY                                     DOWN      RANK([double    MGR.                                     MKT.        dagger])      SINCE    United Accumulative A               2.3%         4           '79     (Waddell)    Income A (Waddell)                 3.7          3           '99    New Concepts A (Waddell)         -37.1          9           '99    Retirement Shares A               -7.3          2           '99      (Waddell)    Science & Tech A (Waddell)       -38.4         10           '00    Vanguard A (Waddell)             -14.4          7           '97   USAA Aggressive Growth            -41.9         10           '95    Growth                            -6.6          7           '00    Growth & Income                    6.4          5           '93    Income Stock                      12.3          3           '99    S&P 500 Index                     -1.4          4           '96   Value Line Leveraged Growth        -2.4          8           '90   Van Kampen Agg Gro A(**)          -41.1         10           '96    Comstock A                        20.3          5           '94    Emerging Gro A                   -38.6         10           '89    Enterprise A                     -14.2          7           '94    Equity Income A                    3.8          2           '90    Growth & Income A                  6.9          3           '90    Pace A                            -3.7          5           '94    Series American Value A          -28.3          8           '97   Van Wagoner Emerging              -50.8         10           '95     Growth(**)    Post Venture                     -53.5         10           '96   Vanguard 500 Index                 -1.3          5           '87    Asset Allocation                  -0.1          1           '88    Balanced index                    -5.8          1           '92    Capital Opportunity(**)          -11.6          8           '98    Equity Income                     13.3          3           '88    Explorer                         -21.4          9           '85    Extended Market Index Inv        -29.6          8           '87    Growth & Income                   -0.6          5           '86    Growth Index Inv                  -8.4          5           '92    Health Care                       10.0          3           '84    LifeStrategy Conservative      Gro                             -2.6          1           '94    LifeStrategy Growth               -6.4          2           '94    LifeStrategy Moderate Gro         -4.5          1           '94    Morgan Growth                    -10.2          7           '90    Primecap(**)                      -6.6          7           '84    Small Cap Index Inv              -23.8          8           '89    Star                               3.9          1           '85    Tax Managed Cap Apprec            -8.3          7           '94    Tax Managed Growth & Income       -1.3          4           '94    Total Stock Market Index Inv      -9.6          5           '96    US Growth                         -8.2          5           '87    Value Index Inv                    7.6          5           '92    Wellesley Income                   5.8          1           '82    Wellington                         9.5          2           '94    Windsor                           16.1          7           '96    Windsor II                        15.2          5           '85   Victory Diversified Stock A        -2.4          5           '89   Warburg Pincus Cap Apprec Cmn     -19.0          8           '94    Emerging Growth Cmn              -31.4          9           '88    Global Telecomm                  -33.3         10           '99   Weitz Value                         7.1          3           '86   Wells Fargo Asset     Allocation A                     -0.9          2           '88    Diversified Equity A              -2.1          4           '96    Equity Income A                    9.7          3           '96   Westcore Growth & Income          -14.7          8           '95   Whitehall Growth                   -8.0          6           '95    Growth & Income                   -4.6          2           '95 > WM Growth A                       -27.1          8           '93   S&P 500-Stock Index                1.4%          5   Average U.S. Stock Fund           -7.0%          6                                        MIN.      MAX.       EXPENSE                                       INVEST    LOAD       RATIO    United Accumulative A                $ 500    5.75%      0.98%(*)     (Waddell)    Income A (Waddell)                    500    5.75       0.94(*)    New Concepts A (Waddell)              500    5.75       1.29(*)    Retirement Shares A                   500    5.75       0.99(*)      (Waddell)    Science & Tech A (Waddell)            500    5.75       1.16(*)    Vanguard A (Waddell)                  500    5.75       1.13(*)   USAA Aggressive Growth               3,000    none       0.72    Growth                              3,000    none       0.97    Growth & Income                     3,000    none       0.89    Income Stock                        3,000    none       0.65    S&P 500 Index                       3,000    none       0.08   Value Line Leveraged Growth          1,000    none       0.82   Van Kampen Agg Gro A(**)                --    5.75       1.56(*)    Comstock A                          1,000    5.75       0.89(*)    Emerging Gro A                      1,000    5.75       0.97(*)    Enterprise A                        1,000    5.75       0.91(*)    Equity Income A                     1,000    5.75       0.82(*)    Growth & Income A                   1,000    5.75       0.88(*)    Pace A                              1,000    5.75       0.83(*)    Series American Value A             1,000    5.75       1.49(*)   Van Wagoner Emerging                    --    none       1.79(*)     Growth(**)    Post Venture                        1,000    none       1.95(*)   Vanguard 500 Index                   3,000    none       0.18    Asset Allocation                    3,000    none       0.49    Balanced index                      3,000    none       0.20    Capital Opportunity(**)                --    1.00(r)    0.75    Equity Income                       3,000    none       0.41    Explorer                            3,000    none       0.74    Extended Market Index Inv           3,000    none       0.25    Growth & Income                     3,000    none       0.37    Growth Index Inv                    3,000    none       0.22    Health Care                        10,000    1.00(r)    0.36    LifeStrategy Conservative      Gro                               3,000    none       0.00    LifeStrategy Growth                 3,000    none       0.00    LifeStrategy Moderate Gro           3,000    none       0.00    Morgan Growth                       3,000    none       0.42    Primecap(**)                           --    none       0.51    Small Cap Index Inv                 3,000    none       0.25    Star                                1,000    none       0.00    Tax Managed Cap Apprec             10,000    2.00(r)    0.19    Tax Managed Growth & Income        10,000    2.00(r)    0.19    Total Stock Market Index Inv        3,000    none       0.20    US Growth                           3,000    none       0.39    Value Index Inv                     3,000    none       0.22    Wellesley Income                    3,000    none       0.30    Wellington                          3,000    none       0.30    Windsor                             3,000    none       0.28    Windsor II                          3,000    none       0.37   Victory Diversified Stock A            500    5.75       1.06   Warburg Pincus Cap Apprec Cmn        1,000    none       1.01    Emerging Growth Cmn                 2,500    none       1.23    Global Telecomm                     2,500    none       1.65(*)   Weitz Value                         25,000    none       1.26   Wells Fargo Asset     Allocation A                       1,000    5.75       0.92    Diversified Equity A                1,000    5.75       1.00    Equity Income A                     1,000    5.75       0.85   Westcore Growth & Income             1,000    none       1.15   Whitehall Growth                     1,000    none       0.93    Growth & Income                     1,000    none       1.00 > WM Growth A                          1,000    5.50       1.27   S&P 500-Stock Index   Average U.S. Stock Fund 

([dagger]) Ranked 1 (top 10%) through 10 (bottom 10%).

([double dagger]) Ranked 1 (least volatile) through 10 (most volatile).

(**) Closed to new investors.

> Worst Agg. Growth Fund, 1 Yr.

> Worst Balncd. Fund, 1 Yr.

> Best Sector Fund, 1 Yr.

> Worst Sector Fund, 3 & 5 Yrs.

> Best Utility Fund, 5 Yrs.

> Best Utility Fund, 3 Yrs.

> Best Sector Fund, 5 Yrs.

> Worst Growth & Inc. Fund, 5 Yrs.

> Best Balncd. Fund, 1, 3 & 5 Yrs.

> Worst Utility Fund, 1, 3, & 5 Yrs.

> Best Growth & Inc. Fund, 3 Yrs.

> Worst Sector Fund, 1 Yr.

> Best Growth & Inc. Fund, 5 Yrs.

> Worst Balncd Fund, 3 & 5 Yrs.

> Best Sector Fund, 3 Yrs.

> Best Utility Fund, 1 Yr.

> Best Growth & Inc. Fund, 1 Yr.

> Worst Growth Fund, 1, 3 & 5 Yrs.

> Best Agg. Growth Fund, 1 Yr.

> Worst Growth & Inc. Fund, 3 Yrs.

> Worst Agg. Growth Fund, 3 & 5 Yrs.

> Best Growth Fund, 1 Yr.

> Best Growth Fund, 5 Yrs.

> Best Agg. Growth Fund, 5 Yrs.

> Worst Growth & Inc. Fund, 1 Yr.

> Best Agg. Growth Fund, 3 Yrs.

> Best Growth Fund, 3 Yrs.

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